President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Saturday Edition

President Trump is at West Point this morning, addressing the 2020 graduating class of the US Miltary Academy, marking the first time he has spoken to cadets there.

But before he left, he fired off a series of tweets, including two with a show business angle. The Commander-in-Tweet called CNN’s Chris Cuomo “a loser” for using data that allegedly stopped in 2016 to talk about the Trump economy. He also claimed Cuomo’s ratings were down by 50%.

President Trump also took issue with Comcast. “Concast is known for its terrible service. On top of that they provide FAKE NEWS on MSDNC & @NBCNews. Drop them and go to a good provider!”

In between, the President had a few random shout-outs to the Maine fishing industry, writer Nick Adams, and entrepreneur/political commentator Jack Brewer. There were also a few broadsides against police defunding, tying it to Joe Biden and the Democrats.

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We will update as more communications roll in. The tweetstorm so far:

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