I went for a drink with my workmate and ended up having sex with his wife – The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: I WENT for a drink with my workmate and I ended up having sex with his wife – I can’t get enough of her.

It all started two months ago. Things had been very hectic at work and this guy suggested we meet up with his wife in the pub to relax.

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They are both 33, while I am just 20. We drank quite a few then he suggested going back to their house and getting some pizza delivered, which we all thought sounded good.

After we had eaten, my mate said he was tired and went to bed while I helped his wife clear up.

We chatted for a while and there was a definite spark between us. Then she showed me to the spare bedroom.

After going to the bathroom, I found her sitting up in bed in the spare room. I couldn’t help myself and we had sex.

It was amazing but I felt guilty afterwards. I told her I was going downstairs to get a drink of water.

I came back upstairs half an hour later and she was lying on top of the duvet, completely naked.

Again, I couldn’t resist and we had sex a second time.

She had gone when I woke up at around 3am. Neither of us said much about it the next morning but we swapped numbers and I left before my mate got up.

We met for sex several times during the next month but I have felt really awkward with my mate, so I decided to end the affair and told his wife it was over.

But she kept on phoning and messaging, asking to see me. When I didn’t reply, she started sending me naked pictures, telling me to call round.

She called me a week ago, saying my mate had gone to visit his mother and invited me round. I went — and we had sex again.

We have been doing it every day since. We can’t seem to stop and I don’t know what to do.

Should I tell him so I can be with his wife properly?

Or should we just carry on doing it behind his back?


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My End Weight Worries e-leaflet tells how to reach your “happy weight” and stay there.

Email me for a copy or private-message me via my Dear Deidre Facebook page.

DEIDRE SAYS: Of course you can stop. Has your mate’s wife given you any sign that she wants anything more than sex?

Right now, she has the best of both worlds – the security of her marriage and secret sex with you.

I doubt she sees her future with you long-term.

If your affair continues, her husband will probably find out, which could make things very tricky at work.

All the while you are having this affair it is getting in the way of you finding a girl who is free to love you.

My e-leaflet Your Lover Not Free? will help you summon up the willpower to end this now.

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