BBC Breakfast’s Dan Walker moans he’s ‘never had a £50 note in his whole life’
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Dan Walker grumbled on BBC Breakfast that he'd "never had a £50 note" before.
The 44-year-old had been chatting about the new plastic £50 note that is in circulation from today – Wednesday June 23 – when he told his co-star Louise Minichin that he'd never had one.
As Louise held up the new plastic money to showcase it on the programme, she was left astonished by Dan's comment.
He moaned: "I'm not sure I've had a £50 note in my wallet in my whole entire life."
Dan turned to Louise to ask: "What happens with it [the £50 note] now? Does it go back to the Bank of England?"
Laughing Louise added: "I don't know?"
Her on-screen partner joked: "I seem to have lost it."
Louise had previously explained that the paperless currency featured Alan Turning who is best known for his code breaking in the second World War.
Paying tribute to the scientist, the plastic money has been unleashed to the public on what would have been his birthday.
The Turing £50 note joins Churchill's £5, the Austen £10 and the Turner £20 which have all been printed on thin and flexible plastic material.
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