The Apprentices Navid shut down by Sophie in awkward sales pitch scene

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Navid Sole was certainly the talk of the town during the latest episode of The Apprentice after he was drastically shut down by Sophie Wilding during pitches.

The young pharmacist previously put himself forward to pitch the team's non-alcoholic beer to potential buyers which seemed to be agreed.

However, when it came to actually doing the task, team leader Sophie seemed to have a change of heart and expressed that she no longer wanted him to do it.

Although Navid highlighted the fact that he was more than happy to pitch, he was also very soft with approach and quickly backed down on the idea.

Seeing the awkward scene unfold fans rushed onto the social media platform Twitter to share their thoughts.

One viewer wrote: "Navid should of stand his ground on the pitch maybe he be strong at it than pushing him away from it."

Another penned: "Navid gets no respect."

A third said: "Aww poor Navid! He so wanted to pitch! He looked so sad."

While others commented on the quality of Sophie's pitch overall, after she decided that Navid was no longer the man for the job.

"Pahah not Sophie shutting Navid down and then pitching like that," one person stated.

While another commented: "That pitch was shocking, no way she kicked Navid off for that performance."

Another upset spectator wrote: "How is Sophie still there? She accused Navid of not contributing but he offered to do the pitch and she agreed then went back on her word!!!"

Although there were several viewers on Navid's side, it certainly wasn't a good day in the office for him, as he ended up fighting for his life in the boardroom when his team lost.

Due to the taste and branding of their non-alcoholic beer not being up to scratch, Sophie believed Navid and Akshay Thakrar were to blame.

Despite providing several reasons for why he shouldn't be fired, Sir Alan Sugar wasn't convinced and Navid became the third casualty of the boardroom.

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  • The Apprentice

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