Tinnitus makes life hell and I have panic attacks every day

DEAR DEIDRE: EVERY night I go to bed wishing I’d wake up as someone else.

There are things I am grateful for – my kids and my husband – but I feel fed up all the time.

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I developed tinnitus six years ago, after standing too close to speakers at a festival. I’m now 32.

The constant ringing in my ears, on top of all the other noise around me, is overwhelming.

It was really bad when my kids, who are aged six and four, were at home all the time during lockdown.

I’m on medication as I have panic attacks most days.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Many of those living with tinnitus also suffer with anxiety as a sad byproduct.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could help you manage the influence tinnitus has on your life. It lets sufferers understand their thought processes in relation to the condition, which in turn enables more positive thoughts.

The British Tinnitus Association (tinnitus.org.uk, 0800 018 0527) has experts who can help.

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