Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Overview: Look back, again. Mercury re-enters Aquarius on Monday until March 6, bringing up some concepts that developed from January 2-25. A Full Moon in Leo on Wednesday helps us commit to seeing our worthiness for love, joy, belonging, and success. Pisces season begins on Friday and lasts until March 20, providing the zodiac with opportunities for healing, completion, and renewal.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Check in with your friends, Aries! Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled friendship zone on Monday, connecting you with your ride-or-dies. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo wants you to live from a greater sense of self-worth: you’re worthy right now—act that way! Friday’s start to Pisces season brings you a powerful sabbatical for healing and closure.


Invest in your community, Taurus! Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled career zone on Monday, helping your career transform through conversations and connections. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo lights up your home/family zone, so let yourself feel the tender feels. Friday’s start to Pisces season reconnects you to your friends and the people you’ve missed for greater empathy and support.


Think bigger, Gemini! Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled wisdom zone on Monday, helping you think with greater optimism, faith, and vision. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo helps you see the power of your communication skills: Expand your language and broaden your world. Friday’s start to Pisces season gives you extra productivity and creativity at work, so show the world what you’re made of!


What’s the truth, Cancer? Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled intimacy and truth-telling zone on Monday, helping you share what’s on your heart/mind. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo grounds you in security, financial opportunity, and healing. Friday’s start to Pisces season puts you on an international and/or educational journey in a big way to learn new ways of being!


Postpone persuasion, Leo! Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled compromise zone on Monday, inspiring you to find the middle ground for a win/win. Wednesday’s Full Moon in your sign provides you with a chance to shine, if you can courageously begin again. Friday’s start to Pisces season takes you on a healing deep dive into your emotional and sexual worlds.


Commit to your habits, Virgo! Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled habit and wellbeing zone on Monday, inspiring you to build healthier habits for your success. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo offers you closure and completion if you take ownership of all the parts you played. Friday’s start to Pisces season begins your most romantic time of the year with opposites attract style chemistry.


Share your heart, Libra! Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled courage zone on Monday, inspiring you to name a desire, feeling, hope, and/or fear to someone who needs to hear it. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo attracts the meaningful friendships you deserve to feel supported. Pisces season’s start next Friday has you taking a more soulful, energetic, and spiritual approach to your wellbeing.


Name your feels, Scorpio! Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled emotional intelligence sector on Monday, helping you communicate your emotions as you’re feeling it. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo gives your career a boost if you see yourself as worthy and deserving of change. Pisces season’s start on Friday helps you step into more creative, confident, and powerful opportunities.


Use your words, Sagittarius! Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled communication zone on Monday, helping you up-level your word choice, listening accuracy, and mindfulness. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo helps you apply a new wisdom to an arena of your life that could benefit from it. Pisces season’s start on Friday connects you to the people and places of home.


How can you live into your values, Capricorn? Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled value zone on Monday, helping you apply your values for safety. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo wants you to self-disclose in order to experience even more meaningful intimacy and joy. Pisces season’s start on Friday helps you communicate your emotions in a way that provides wholeheartedness.


Think again, Aquarius! Mercury re-enters your sign on Monday, inspiring you to let go of limiting beliefs and learn new ways of thinking, being, and speaking. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo offers your relationships a change, especially with a partner(s) who’s different from you. Pisces season’s start on Sunday inspires you to bring more soul to your money and money to your soul.


Keep letting go, Pisces! Mercury re-enters your Aquarius-ruled closure zone, helping you surrender what needs to be let go of so you can make space for the new. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo wants you to start a small habit that could create big, beautiful changes in no time. Your birthday season begins on Friday! May all your wishes come true.

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