150 migrants cross the Channel by small boat to the UK today

At least 150 migrants including young children wrapped up in puffer jackets battled wet and windy conditions to cross the Channel by small boat to the UK today

  • At least 150 people have crossed the English Channel on small boats today
  • Border Force detained at least seven boats – with several small children onboard
  • Comes after dozens of migrants took advantage of narrow break in bad weather conditions Saturday to make crossing

More migrants battled wet conditions to reach the UK by small boat this afternoon with at least 150 people in total crossing the Channel today.

Border Force detained at least seven boats – with small children among those spotted at the Port of Dover.

The first of this afternoon’s arrivals were brought to shore via Border Force cutter Searcher, while a second group were escorted into the UK on board a rib a short while later.

The two groups, which consisted mostly of men, appeared to be suffering as a result of the choppy conditions in the Channel.

As they approached the port they could be seen clutching blankets around their shoulders and heads.

Border Force detained at least seven boats and 150 people trying to cross the English Channel today – with several small children among those spotted at the Port of Dover

The first of this afternoon’s arrivals were brought to shore via Border Force cutter Searcher, while a second group were escorted into the UK on board a rib a short while later

Several children were seen amongst the arrivals at Dover this morning and into the afternoon

It comes after more than 100 people, including small children, are thought to have arrived in Kent across five boats this morning.

The first arrivals of the month were escorted to the Port of Dover by the RNLI before sunrise amid heavy fog and rain.

A second group set foot on UK soil on board Border Force cutter Searcher after 8am, with more migrants arriving in HMC Hunter a short while later.

At least two more groups were accompanied to the port by UK officials before midday via Border Force ship Hurricane and ribs – among them were a toddler and young child. 

This comes after dozens of migrants were detained by Border Force officials early on Saturday as they took advantage of a narrow break in bad weather conditions to cross reach the UK in inflatable boats.

It comes after more than 100 people, including small children, are thought to have arrived in Kent across five boats this morning

Home Office officials have warned that this year could see more than 65,000 people arrive in the UK by small boat

So far this year 1,341 have made the treacherous crossings in 46 boats

A total of 28,381 migrants crossed the Dover Strait last year – dwarfing the 8,410 who arrived in 2020

It was the first migrant crossing since January 26 due to recent strong winds.

132 people in four boats boats were picked up in freezing conditions in the Channel, according to Home Office figures.

They are thought to have set off in clear skies and calm conditions on Friday night but as they reached the Kent coast, the weather changed with winds picking up making conditions at sea much choppier.

One group, mainly men, were brought in on Border Force cutter Seeker while a second group were picked up by the Border Force vessel Hurricane.

So far this year 1,341 have made the treacherous crossings in 46 boats.

A total of 28,381 migrants crossed the Dover Strait last year – dwarfing the 8,410 who arrived in 2020.

But Home Office officials have warned that this year could see more than 65,000 people arrive in the UK by small boat.

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