‘Sister Wives’: Why Did Kody Move His Wives and Family to Flagstaff?

Many Sister Wives fans have wondered why Kody Brown moved his family from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Flagstaff, Arizona. Here’s everything we know about why the Browns moved locations.

The Brown family’s homes in a cul-de-sac in Las Vegas

After Kody married Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, they lived together in one large home in Lehi, Utah. However, when Utah criminalized polygamy in 2011, they fled to Las Vegas.

The move to Las Vegas was also essential, as they added Robyn Brown to the family as the fourth wife and needed more room. In Las Vegas, they found four homes in a cul-de-sac, allowing the family to be close together but still have their own homes.

Why did Kody move his wife and his family to Flagstaff?

In earlier Sister Wives seasons, Kody revealed that they would be moving to Flagstaff, Arizona. What made the family’s patriarch decide to up and move his entire family to a different state?

The sudden move left the family paying the mortgages of the four brand-new Las Vega homes empty before they could put them on the market. Janelle had to stay back and try her best to sell them while the rest of the family went on to Flagstaff. Christine had mentioned that the move left the family financially “drowning” as they struggled to sell the homes.

Which begs the question, why did Kody move his entire family to Flagstaff? They told the media that they wanted a slower lifestyle in Arizona. Robyn mentioned that they wanted to move the family out of Las Vegas. She said, “So we started worrying a lot more about what the kids are getting exposed to.”

‘Sister Wives’ fans have their theories

However, fans believe that there are other reasons why the Browns moved out of Vegas. Robyn’s eldest son, Dayton Brown, started college in Flagstaff, Northern Arizona University, on a scholarship at the time of the move.

Many fans have a hard time believing that Dayton’s scholarship didn’t have anything to do with why they moved. One fan wrote to Robyn via Twitter, “You know what’s ‘incredibly sad and weird,’ Robyn? Forcing a million kids and 3 other grown women to sell their beloved homes and move across the country because Dayton is starting college in Flagstaff.”

Many fans find it too coincidental that the entire family moved from Las Vegas to Flagstaff on a whim. Considering all of the Brown family is back in Utah, it is still a mystery why they decided to settle down in Flagstaff.

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