Jamie Vardy says he and Rebekah only have date night every few months

Jamie Vardy has revealed that he and wife Rebekah Vardy are only able to manage having a date night once "every few months".

The married couple share children Sofia, seven, Finlay, five, and Olivia, one.

Jamie, 35, also has a daughter named Ella from a previous relationship with Emma Daggett, and has adopted 40 year old Rebekah's 17 year old daughter Megan.

Rebekah also has a son named Taylor, 11, whom she shares with footballer Luke Foster, so it's no surprise that the busy parents struggle to make time for date nights

But in a new interview with OK!, Jamie has also revealed that he and Rebekah always make sure the "kids come first".

Speaking at the launch of their highly-anticipated new children's book Cedric the Little Sloth with a Big Dream, which was held at London's swanky Dorchester Hotel, the couple reflected on their relationship.

Asked if they get much alone time, Jamie joked: "I don’t know if it exists. It’s hard. It really is hard. We get the odd night every few months I’d say.

"But you know how the world is today, you’re straight on FaceTime as soon as you’re away from them [the children]," the footballer continued.

"We do get the few nights where we can just enjoy us time, but the kids always come first."

Rebekah agreed with her husband's sentiment, as she opened up on the "amazing bond" their blended family share.

"The big ones look after the little ones – they’ve all got such a lovely relationship and an amazing bond," the model and social media star explained. "We really encourage the older ones to be involved.

"Megan is 17 and she’s a bit of challenge sometimes, but she always comes home from school and she’ll always offer to help get them ready for bed, sometimes she even wants to put them down to bed, which is lovely.

"Even though they get older, it’s so important for them to still feel part of the family and to encourage them to be downstairs and be with the family, rather than be upstairs in the bedroom on their phones," the star added.

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The Vardy couple have signed an amazing deal to release a range of illustrated children's storybooks over the coming years, with each featuring a strong theme that relates to their own personal beliefs and values.

Cedric the Little Sloth with a Big Dream is a poignant and emotional story that focuses on winning, amongst other powerful and moral topics.

Sports star Jamie said it's "massively important" to accept you can't win everything, "no matter how good you are".

"You need to have that mindset there’s going to be losses. It’s not a bad thing," the player went on. "You take it on board and it might make you work or play that bit better to win the next time.

"It’s part of life so taking on those challenges and learning from those mistakes or losses and be happy with it," he added, "knowing it can make you better".

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