Dan's final day in the village after death in Emmerdale spoiler video

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Dan Spencer (Liam Fox) faces potentially his final day in the village during Thursday’s (August 17) episode of Emmerdale.

In a story not too dissimilar to BBC One’s Time, Dan is facing time behind bars after killing a man called Lloyd.

Lloyd arrived in the village intending to stalk Amelia (Daisy Campbell), who he had found online.

Of course, Dan wasn’t going to let this happen and confronted Lloyd multiple times.

During the final time, Dan was wound up so much, he punched Lloyd in the face, causing him to fall backwards and land on a rock. The character was then rushed to hospital and died a few weeks later, with Dan now facing a manslaughter charge as Lloyd’s death only occurred as a result of the attack.

At first, it looked as though Dan and Amelia (Daisy Campbell) were going to commit to going on the run so they could stay together.

However, on the way, Dan had a change of heart and realise it would be better if they returned and faced the music.

That music begins in this new video, as another morning gets underway in the village.

As Dan watches people go about their normal days, he sighs, knowing that he will attend court in a few hours and could potentially go straight to prison afterwards.

But if he does, how long will Dan spend behind bars?

‘He’s scared about how long he’s going to get,’ Liam Fox said. ‘He’s presuming he’s going to get about 3 years or something like that, so he’s got it in his head that after 18 months he might be out, but can he cope with 18 months? Is that something that Dan can get his head round?

‘Whatever Dan does, when he comes out – if he comes out – he’s going to be a different man. Someone like Dan will not benefit from prison.

‘There’s no rehabilitation as a human being needed for Dan, but at the same time he has committed manslaughter. So that’s the balance in these cases, isn’t it?

‘As a human being, Dan will not be better for going in prison, in my opinion.’

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