Stepmother gives daughter list of living conditions to stay over

Stepmother writes disturbing list of living conditions for daughter at Wagga Wagga, NSW

  • Teenager has strict living conditions imposed on her
  • Stepmother stopped her from having guests

A teenager was forbidden from going upstairs or having guests over as part of a series of disturbing rules forced upon her by her stepmother. 

The horrifying conditions were laid out in a list that the 16-year-old girl had to follow while living at a house in Wagga Wagga, in NSW’s Riverina region.

The documents, which are bizarrely titled ‘Welcome to the concentration camp and conditions of living’, were typed up and imposed by the stepmother.

The 16-year-old has since grown up and is about to become a mother of her own. She shared the list she was forced to live by as a teenager.

A teenager was forbidden from going upstairs or having guests over as part of a series of disturbing rules forced upon her by her stepmother 

The horrifying conditions were laid out in a list that the 16-year-old girl had to follow while living at a house in Wagga Wagga, in NSW’s Riverina 

‘I want to hear everyone’s thoughts on this contract my stepmother made for me to be able to live with herself and my dad,’ the woman wrote on Facebook.

‘I must have blocked this out, it has now been resurfaced and reading it has set fire to my soul as I am pregnant with my first baby and am thinking how on earth could someone do this to a 16 year old.’ 

A stern warning is written at the top of the concerning document.

‘Please not that there will be no variations or bending of rules to any of the below points at any time if you wish to have a roof over your head and food at the table’.

While some rules appear reasonable such as not smoking, drinking or taking drugs at the property and taking her clothes to the laundry, others are far more ruthless. 

The girl was not allowed to have anyone, such as a friend over and was not allowed to leave the house unless she sought permission from her father.

The house must remain locked at all times, including doors and windows.

She was also restricted as to where she could go inside the property as she could not go upstairs ‘for any reason’ or ‘inside out the front’.

The teen was ordered to get a job, pay her stepmother $100 every ‘pay day’, which ‘may be adjusted depending on your earnings’, and present a pay slip.

She also had to keep her bedroom ‘immaculately clean’, make her bed daily, wash the dishes, keep the kitchen clean, clean and scrub the bathroom every four days and regularly replace cushions on the lounge.

Her stepmother refused to give her house keys and stated teenager would be forced to go to bed at 9pm and get out of bed by 8am, or 9am on weekends.

The girl was not allowed to ask for money ‘for anything’.

While some rules appear reasonable such as not smoking, drinking or taking drugs at the property and taking her clothes to the laundry, others are far more ruthless (stock image) 

‘If any of the above rules are broken at any time or the time frame is not met (in regards to getting a job), your belongings will be packed immediately & and it will be up to you to source alternate accommodation,’ the stepmother wrote at the end.

‘No questions asked.’ 

Social media users heavily criticised the stepmother over the strict living conditions and expressed their sympathy for the teenager.

‘This is abuse…I can’t believe your dad allowed this,’ said one.

‘I’m sorry you went through this!’

Another wrote: ‘Wanted you to act like an adult but treated you as a prisoner. That’s f****d up.’ 

‘I was like surely this wasn’t in Australia and then I read Wagga. What the f!!! (sic)’ commented a third user.

One person said: ‘Besides her rules being abusive they also don’t make sense! So you aren’t allowed to have any dirty clothes in your room, but you also aren’t allowed to use the washing machine until you have a full load? HUH?’

‘And the locked house and no keys but she’s supposed to work??’ another pointed out in response to the comment. 

Social media users heavily criticised the stepmother over the strict living conditions and expressed their sympathy for the teenager 

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