Corrie star confirms return for major character

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Coronation Street actress Tina O’Brien has confirmed a massive return for one of her Corrie co-stars, as Sarah Platt’s love life looks set to take another twist.

Tina was speaking at a ball set up by Emmerdale’s Mark Jordon and Laura Norton, and the charity CUREUsher.

First she explained the purpose of the ball.

‘We’ve been very kindly invited by Laura who’s recently found out that her children have been diagnosed with Usher syndrome,’ she explained. Mark and Laura’s children Jesse and Ronnie both have Usher syndrome – a rare genetic condition that affects both hearing and vision.

‘They are here tonight raising hopefully lots and lots of money for the charity to try and find a cure,’ Tina added.

When asked about what was coming up on Coronation Street and for Sarah in particular, Tina enthused about the upcoming Super Soap Week, in which Sarah’s Uncle Stephen (Todd Boyce) is set to finally get his comeuppance for his murderous spree.

‘There’s a lot coming up. Super soap week, there’s a lot of things coming to do with Stephen. It’s going to be very exciting,’ she said.

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Sarah herself is currently going through a difficult time after her husband Adam (Sam Robertson) discovered she’d been having an affair with Damon Hay (Ciaran Griffiths). In the wake of that, Adam said he wanted a divorce and his position hasn’t shifted.

Tina didn’t think a reunion with Adam was on the cards for Sarah, at least at the moment.

‘Obviously at the moment Sarah’s going through a divorce. I’m not sure if there’s too much water under the bridge,’ she said.

But there was news about Damon. His current whereabouts are unknown but it looks like we won’t have long to wait to find out what he’s been up to.

‘I have heard a rumour that a certain Damon might be coming back soon, so we’ll see,’ Tina teased.

Will Damon and Sarah reignite their romance? And will he decide to stay, given how many enemies he’s made in the Street?

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