Why is the menopause seen as so repulsive in the workplace?

Five years ago, aged 43, I started to notice that my Premenstrual Tension (PMT) was much worse.   Every month I ached all over for a few days, and I slept appallingly, as well as finding my concentration was deteriorating.   Three years later, anxiety was added into the mix – I had two episodes lasting around 10 days each, along with my usual […]

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New 'stealth' Omicron subvariant presents two NEW symptoms, experts warn

PEOPLE with the new stealthy Omicron subvariant show two new Covid symptoms that experts warn shouldn’t be ignored. BA.2, which is super-fast spreading, has become dominant in England, overtaking the original BA.1 Omicron strain. As Covid testing is scaled back, it's key that you know the early warning signs of Omicron. Health officials say there are two symptoms of BA.2 […]

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Walkers reveal a LOW SALT range of crisps

Walkers unveils range with 45% LESS salt than regular crisps that WON’T fall foul of government rules banning TV junk food ads before 9pm and scrapping online promotions Walkers has launched a new lower-salt range featuring their classic flavours   Mild Cheese & Onion, Lightly Salted and A Dash of Salt & Vinegar contain 45 per cent less salt than the […]

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