Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera confession revealed: ‘I couldn’t believe it’

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Andrew Lloyd Webber’s most popular musicals have been reimagined during the coronavirus lockdown after the composer decided to broadcast them for free online. The hits, which are being shown on YouTube Channel ‘The Show Must Go On’, aim to fundraise for theatre workers affected by the pandemic. The decision has exposed new audiences to, and reminded long-term fans of, Lord Lloyd Webber’s most notable creations during his several decade-spanning career. One of the most widely praised, ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, broke numerous records after its debut in 1986. Later it became the longest running musical on Broadway, the US equivalent of London’s West End, and brought in record sums at the box office. During a series of interviews, Lord Lloyd Webber revealed what he believed to be the reasons behind its success. 

‘The Phantom of the Opera’ was named as the most successful entertainment venture of all time in 2011, when it sold more than £1.8billion tickets.

The initial production starred Michael Crawford as ‘The Phantom’ and Lord Lloyd Webber’s then-wife Sarah Brightman as ‘Christine Daaé’.

By 2011 it had been seen by more than 130 million people worldwide, in a lengthy span that saw numerous celebrities and thespians take on lead roles. 

It was based on Gaston Leroux’s 1909 novel of the same name, which told the tale of a facially disfigured spectre that haunted a Parisian opera house after he fell in love with an up-and-coming soprano.

While Lord Lloyd Webber “didn’t think much” of the book, he set to work on a musical adaptation inspired by Ms Brightman’s undeniable singing talent.

Cameron MacIntosh, who helped to produce the show, explained that her voice gave him an “entry into how he would compose the music”, during a 2011 NPR interview.

He said: “Realising the extraordinary voice she had, that suddenly became the catalyst for him to want to write the show.”

Lord Lloyd Webber couldn’t believe how well the production had been received – it had just knocked his other musical ‘Cats’ off the perch as his most successful show.

He told the BBC: “It’s overwhelming, it’s not something I thought would ever happen. 

“I never thought it would happen with ‘Cats’ let alone overtake ‘Cats’, I think it’s practically impossible to say.

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“I was very humbled by it in a way but it’s also something I know I will never do again.” 

While he admitted he could “sense” there was “something about it that was a bit special”, he was blown away by the popularity of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’.

He told NPR: “It wasn’t the same as any of the other shows I’ve been involved with, because I’ve never had another show where I’ve had my wife in it.

“There is no formula for success in musical theatre. It’s just one of those things – it happened.

“I think it’s a primal tale, it’s highly romantic. I think most people feel there’s something about themselves that they’d like to alter in their physical appearance, and perhaps they relate to ‘The Phantom’ for that reason.”

Meanwhile Mr MacIntosh theorised that Lord Lloyd Webber had unintentionally tapped into markets who fell in love with Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ back in 1991.

He said: “It appeals to everyone because it is about an impossible love, which I think many of us have had.”

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