Is Vladimir Putin in poor health? He looks puffy and he seems to have tremors.

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The photos in this post are from March 3rd (yesterday) according to the Kremlin. The Kremlin basically released these photos of Vladimir Putin to show that he’s “in charge.” Putin also had a lengthy call with France’s President Macron yesterday and the call apparently went poorly, with Putin ranting about how his war is going well. There are people all around the world analyzing these photos, I’m sure. MI6, the CIA, Mossad. What can be gleaned from the photos? Does Putin look healthy? There’s always chatter about his health and whether he’s hiding an illness. I’ve seen people suggest that he has the puffy visage of someone on steroids. As for that call with Macron:

Russian President Vladimir Putin called French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday, in what appeared to have been a markedly more tense exchange than previous conversations between the two leaders. The 90-minute call failed to deliver a diplomatic breakthrough, and a senior French official said it left Macron convinced that “the worst is yet to come” and that Putin aims to take control of all of Ukraine.

“Your country will pay dearly because it will end up as an isolated country, weakened and under sanctions for a very long time,” Macron told Putin, according to a French official, who added that Macron “called on Vladimir Putin to not lie to himself.”

The conversation, which the French presidency said was initiated by Putin, came as Ukrainian officials were set to hold talks with a Russian delegation, according to Russian and Ukrainian officials. But based on the two leaders’ exchange, there was no indication Thursday that a diplomatic solution could be in sight.

“At this point, [Putin] refuses to cease his attacks on Ukraine,” Macron wrote on Twitter later Thursday. Macron is the only Western leader who has been in consistent public contact with Putin since the invasion of Ukraine, in an effort the French presidency has described as an attempt to keep the doors to meaningful negotiations open. Putin and Macron also spoke Monday and last Thursday.

[From WaPo]

It’s clear that Macron is being used by NATO/EU countries to keep an open channel to Putin directly, but it also doesn’t sound like Putin is of sound mind whatsoever. Macron’s version of the call was that Putin flatly denied bombing Ukraine, yet insisted that everything was going according to plan, and Putin insisted that he was in it until the end, the complete Russian takeover of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the stories about Putin’s isolation of the Russian people grows more concerning every day. I genuinely laughed when RT America was finally taken off American airwaves, but within Russia, radio and TV stations are being shut down right and left. Echo of Moscow (a radio station) was dissolved this week. TV Rain (for the Russian youths) was suspended. Novaya Gazeta (an independent newspaper) is on the verge of closing down. Only Russian propaganda is being allowed on radio and TV. Are social media platforms working in any capacity in Russia? I don’t think they are.

Tremors? Problems walking?

— Team Stollberg ?????️‍? (@Team_Stollberg) March 1, 2022

— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) March 2, 2022

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