Packers' David Bakhtiari Chugs Full Beer In 3 Seconds At Bucks Game

The Milwaukee Bucks might not be able to beat Trae Young, but one of their most famous fans, Packers star David Bakhtiari, can sure help them win ANY beer drinking game …

Here’s the Green Bay offensive lineman showing he’s still VERY good at throwing back suds … sucking down a full beer in 3 seconds!!!

The impressive drinking feat all went down during the Bucks’ playoff loss to Young’s Hawks on Wednesday … when Bakhtiari tried to fire up the crowd in Milwaukee with an epic chug.

Check out the footage … dude gulped the full cup, no problem — and then splashed the backwash all over his forehead!!

Of course, we’ve seen this kind of Herculean effort from David before … you’ll recall, he chugged THREE beers at a Bucks game with teammate Aaron Rodgers back in 2019.

Begs the question … have his skills improved or diminished over the years?!

By the way … how much better at drinking is Bakhtiari than NY Jets running back La’Mical Perine??

Yeah … better take some notes from David here, LP!!

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