President Zelensky's Sitcom 'Servant of the People' to Air on UK TV

While Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky is desperately hoping the European Union will accept his country, British TV’s already welcoming him with open arms by buying his sitcom … about becoming prez.

Zelensky’s comedy, “Servant of the People,” is going to be airing on the UK’s Channel 4, which purchased the series … clearly seizing on the Ukrainian leader’s worldwide popularity as he stands up to Vladimir Putin‘s Russian forces.

Channel 4’s not wasting any time either — ‘Servant’ will reportedly start airing this Sunday night.

The show, which ran for 3 seasons in Ukraine, is about an everyday guy who’s elected president and grows into his role as a beloved and heroic leader. Think “Veep” … minus the heroism.

One scene from the show’s already gone viral because it’s kinda spot on with real-world events. It shows Zelensky getting a call from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who informs him he’s been accepted into the EU. The prez starts celebrating — even drops an f-bomb — but then Merkel says she dialed the wrong number.

Good stuff, but the actual President Zelensky, and his citizens, are hoping for a real call now … and the EU’s military support to fend off Russia.

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