Home » Celebrities » Rep. Ted Lieu Says FaceApp Raises Major Security Concerns
Rep. Ted Lieu Says FaceApp Raises Major Security Concerns
Congressman Ted Lieu‘s at risk of being labeled a buzzkill, but he says that’s nothing compared to the security risks involved with using the popular new app that makes you an instant senior citizen.
The California Rep is very leery of FaceApp, the free app — reportedly owned by a Russian company — that transforms faces with various filters like “old age.” The Russian connection is making some users nervous and, when we asked Lieu about it Wednesday on Capitol Hill, he said we ALL should be.
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Ted points out he has a background in cybersecurity, and FaceApp raises major concerns because when you download it … you agree to let it access all your photos and, potentially, a bunch of private info.
If you’re cool with that, so be it … but the Congressman is urging consumers to think twice since you could be added to a facial recognition database, or have your pics sold or altered.
Ted says the app’s terms and conditions — that fine print you scroll through quickly without reading and then click “I agree” — are pretty invasive. His advice? Make sure it’s worth it to get a few laughs and likes on social media.
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