Watch Chris Hemsworth Transform Into Fat Thor

• Chris Hemsworth’s Thor underwent quite the transformation in Avengers: Endgame
• Hemsworth, as well as co-stars Paul Rudd and Tessa Thompson, discuss the transformation in a new behind-the-scenes video clip.
• Hemsworth says the fat suit he wore weighed between 60 and 70 pounds.

From the moment Avengers: Endgame was released, there’s been no bigger response, reaction, and aftermath to a character than the new version of Chris Hemsworth’s Thor. The only shots of the character in the movie’s trailers were from before the early-film substantial time jump, so Thor’s fuller physique played as a complete surprise to any set of unspoiled eyes upon first viewing of the film.

A few behind-the-scenes videos of Hemsworth have trickled out in the months since the movie’s release (we particularly enjoyed his in-character cover of a Nine Inch Nails/Johnny Cash classic), but with Endgame coming to home video in August, official behind-the-scenes footage and videos are starting to come out. In a new clip, Hemsworth revealed the fat suit he wore for Endgame weighed 60 or 70 pounds. “It was the hottest I’ve ever been,” he said with a laugh, as some truly spectacular footage of him getting put in the suit flashes across the screen.

He also described what else went into the get-up: his longer beard and hair, which we could clearly see, but also “these things that go in [Thor’s] mouth to plump out [his] cheeks a bit,” which Hemsworth says also had an affect on the character’s voice as well. That, too, was a good thing, he says: it helped to create a different Thor.

“[Chris] has has such dexterity as a talent,” Tessa Thompson, who co-starred with Hemsworth in both Thor: Ragnarok and Endgame, and will appear again with him in Thor: Love and Thunder, said in the video. “He’s incredibly funny.”

Referred to by Marvel, officially, as “Bro Thor,” but by some as “Fat Thor” or “Thicc Thor,” or by others on the Endgame set as ‘Lebowski’—the transformation, both emotionally and physically, was a way of allowing him to take on a new character. The Australian star had already appeared in six films as the God of Thunder, and after the burst of energy that Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War infused into the character, the further shift in Endgame was a whole new ballgame.

The Russo Brothers, who directed Avengers: Endgame, previously told Men’s Health about a call they had with Hemsworth prior to sending him his script for the movie. The Thor star was excited about the direction the character went in Ragnarok, and wanted to be sure it would continue along the same path. “He was so excited, and he was really concerned Joe and I would find a way to move that forward, and that was his prelude to the phone call,” Anthony Russo said. “We were like, guess what, Chris? You’re never going to guess what we’ve got in store for you.”

What Chris does with that character, and how it just kind of has this shift… his excitement was palpable” Paul Rudd said in the video.

You can watch the complete clip about “Bro Thor” below:

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