I wanted dimples so bad that I put a contraption in my mouth every day to get them – it was so worth six months of pain | The Sun

A WOMAN has shared how she wore a special contraption for months on end in order to get dimples.

Dimples – an adorable facial feature that, unfortunately, not everyone's been blessed with. However, that didn't stop one beauty fan, Hailey, from getting them.

The young woman, believed to be from Germany, was so determined to have dimples on her face, that she was ready to take a drastic action.

According to Hailey, she was wearing a special contraption in her mouth for a whopping six months in order to create the fake dimples.

The product, two pin-like gadgets with round pearls that go both inside and outside your mouth, she had nabbed for a little over £20 online.

Sharing the results on her TikTok page, Hailey added that was wearing it every day for one to two hours.

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All chuffed with how the dimple makers had performed, the German stunner also posted a clip of herself wearing it – and how she looked months later.

Right where the little pearls had been sitting Hailey now claimed to have two dimples on her face, making for a stunning look.

Since being posted on social media, the video has gone viral, winning the young woman over 4.9million views.

Many raced to comments wishing to purchase the product, however some were totally mortfied.

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Writing in French, one person said: ''I really though that was some kind of device for teeth.''

Another was glad they had their dimples from birth, adding that this must've been painful.

Hailey seems to be raving about the special gadget a lot, as she regularly shares videos of herself wearing it.

The young German stunner has close to 10k followers on the platform, with her videos amassing more than 1million overall likes.

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