The 6 ways coronavirus lockdown is affecting your periods – and the red-flag signs to look out for – The Sun

FROM how we work to what we do for exercise – the coronavirus pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives.

And some people may have noticed that, after ten weeks in lockdown, even their periods may have been affected.

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If you’ve noticed changes in your menstrual cycle over the past month or so, you might be wondering why this biological function – that often comes like clockwork – is different.

Well, it turns out several lifestyle changes during the coronavirus pandemic may be impacting your periods – with factors such exercise and stress all having an impact.

Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP and Clinical Director of, told The Sun Online: "There are huge numbers of factors which can affect your period.

"Having regular periods depends on a delicate balance of female hormones – stress, weight change and a sudden increase in exercise can all disrupt this balance."

Here, with the help of experts, we take you through the main reasons why lockdown might be affecting your periods…

1. You're stressed

With lockdown restrictions, financial fears and health concerns causing constant worries –  it's no surprise many people are feeling stressed during the coronavirus outbreak.

And increased levels of stress which have been triggered by the lockdown could make a difference to your period.

This is because high levels of stress and anxiety can affect the area of our brain which regulates hormones, meaning our hormones become imbalanced.

This then leads to our menstrual cycles being altered or delayed.

"High-stress is often linked to altered menstrual cycles," Dr May Gilbert told Stylist.

"This may manifest in different ways – some women might have their periods earlier while others might be seeing a delay."

2. Your diet has changed

Period disruption is also caused by a change in diet and routine.

During the pandemic many people have altered the way they normally eat – either trying to shed the pounds more or adopting a more regularly eating regime.

Both eating too much and too little can change the rest of your body's functions, including your menstrual cycle.

So if you've been trying out a new diet or haven't been eating your best, it could result in an irregular period.

The body may decide that you're not capable of sustaining a healthy pregnancy right now and sudden weight gain or loss can affect your period.

Signs your period could be a cause for concern and worth seeing your doctor about

  1. Your period lasts longer than seven days – Dr Vanessa MacKay, consultant gynaecologist and spokeswoman for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, urges anyone who has a heavier period to what is normal for her to speak to a doctor.
  2. You have to change your pad every hour -Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP and clinical director of, says people should see their GP if they notice they have to change their pad regularly because it's soaking wet.
  3. You feel breathless or fatigued – If you’re losing more iron during your periods than you take in from your diet over several months, heavy periods can lead to iron deficiency anaemia. This can make you look pale and feel tired and breathless.
  4. You can spot blood clots in your flow – The NHS has urged women to see their GP if they are passing blood clots in their flow. In particular, they say to look out for blood clots that are larger than 2.5cm – about the size of a 10p coin.
  5. You struggle to go about your day normally – Many women find themselves unable to go about their usual day normally without physical limitations when they have a heavy period. Dr Jarvis said: "It's about feeling generally unwell, really weary and sick and not being able to concentrate."
  6. You have crippling menstrual cramps – Your period can be a cause for concern if you are suffering from agonising menstrual cramps. In particular, research has shown that some women suffer from period pains that are as agonising as having a heart attack.
  7. You have a shorter period than usual – In general, periods usually last between three and eight days, with the average being about five days. If a woman has had a shorter period that is significantly different to what is normal for her, she should speak to her healthcare professional.

3. You're exercising more

With lockdown not allowing us to leave the house much, many people are filling their spare time by exercising.

In fact, new research has found that one in three are exercising more since lockdown measures began, with running and cycling being the preferred ways to keep fit.

While in general, exercise is great for health – exercising too much can wreak havoc with your period.

In particular, intense exercise can interfere with menstruation by triggering the release of stress hormones that mess with your body’s ability to release the hormones necessary for a normal menstrual cycle.

"Excessive exercise can lead to skipping periods or light periods because your body needs a certain about of body fat to ovulate," Dr Carolyn Alexander told Bustle.

Even if you haven't lost a lot of weight, exercising to the point of excess can also increase stress on your body to the point where periods lighten or stop.

4. You've come off your pill

The pandemic has given people an opportunity to experiment with their routines – with many people coming off their birth control.

Coming off the pill may cause side effects such as spotting and irregular bleeding until your natural cycle starts again.

Dr Jarvis told us: "Most women who are taking the combined oral contraceptive pill (often called ‘the pill’) assume they’re having a period every month.

"In fact, it’s a withdrawal bleed which depends on the sudden drop in oestrogen and progestogen when you take a break between pill packs.

"If you stop the pill, your underlying hormone cycle kicks in – and your natural hormone cycle can result in a very different pattern of bleeding to the regular, light, mostly pain free bleed you get between pill packs."

When will my periods come back after I stop taking the pill?

It can take a while for your periods to come back after you stop taking the pill.

Most women will have a period around 2 to 4 weeks after stopping the pill, but this depends on you and what your cycle is normally like.

Weight, health, stress, exercise and conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can all influence your cycle.

Your periods may be irregular when you first come off the pill, and you should allow up to 3 months for your natural menstrual cycle to fully re-establish itself.

This is because the pill contains the hormones that stop the release of an egg (ovulation) each month.

The first period after stopping the pill is known as a "withdrawal bleed". The next one after this is your first natural period.

It's unlikely that the time you've been on the pill will cause fertility problems. Some women conceive immediately after they stop taking it.

However, while the pill does not cause fertility problems, it can mask underlying problems you may already have, such as irregular periods.

You can get pregnant as soon as you come off the pill, so it's important to use another form of contraception, such as condoms, straight away.

Source: NHS

5. You're boozing more

If you're having a few too many "quarantinis" during lockdown it will be having an impact on your hormone levels – which in turn might be affecting your periods.

However, it's not clear whether a few drinks per week can make any real change to cycles.

People with alcohol use disorder often experience issues with their menstruation.

"Excessive alcohol or drug abuse can definitely affect your cycle," gynaecologist Dr Sherry Ross told Bustle.

6. You're struggling to sleep

Staying up late or not getting adequate sleep can affect your hormones, which can have an impact on your ovulation and menstruation.

Poor sleep can also impact your melatonin levels, which play a part in regulating your menstrual cycle.

7. You have coronavirus

Symptoms of coronavirus can include fever, nausea and diarrhoea – all of which can cause disruptions to your period.

Doctors however highlight that this is a short term impact that should only last while you have the virus, with normal periods commencing after the virus has been treated.

8. You have an underlying health condition

Irregular periods, a change in the heaviness of periods and bleeding in between periods or after sex are all red-flag warning signs to look out for.

If these occur regularly, it may be your body's way of highlighting a possible health condition – such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

This condition affects one in five women and has an impact on how ovaries function – meaning sufferers can struggle to release an egg to be fertilised making it often extremely difficult to fall pregnant.

For many, the only hint of PCOS is irregular periods, while in more severe cases sufferers can be left with embarrassing hair growth on their faces, chest, back and backside.

Similarly, if you are experiencing really heavy periods in lockdown you might have menorrhagia.

This is an excessive loss of blood during menstruation.

According to the NHS, you should see a GP about your periods if:

  • Your periods suddenly become irregular and you’re under 45
  • You have periods more often than every 21 days or less often than every 35 days
  • Your periods last longer than seven days
  • There’s a big difference (at least 20 days) between your shortest and longest menstrual cycle
  • You have irregular periods and you’re struggling to get pregnant

Seeking medical advice about your irregular periods is important in making sure there’s not something else causing the irregularity.

However, t’s important to note that you may not be able to see your GP for a face-to-face consultation during the pandemic, but most surgeries are now doing telephone or online consultations.

To find out more, contact your local surgery.


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