Weekly horoscope for July 18 – 24: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed


MAR 21 – APR 20

Your pleasure-centre is sun-kissed from this week on — so look forward to plenty fun in the sun.

Plus a long-awaited chance to sample a job that’s mostly done outdoors.

You’ve got a unique “eye” – for pictures, fashion, decor, and also for spotting the perfect partner in an unlikely list.

Venus helps you stay in the middle at work, and find a solution without taking sides.

DESTINY DAYS  Interviews work well on “T” days – and meet-ups on “S” days. Make sure you double-check your Friday diary for a forgotten

LUCKY LINKS  Music that includes a piano solo.  The scent of vanilla. 
The name of a local sports team.

SUMMER LOVING   Your summer love ambition is to be the best lover you
can be, as Venus starts a stay in your self-improvement zone now, and is
joined by Mars at the end of July. 

Yes, you are ready to experiment – in bed, but also with feelings, routines and everything that refreshes love and makes it fascinating. 

Partners can find shared joy taking on a summer project together, and uncovering new skills and thrills. 

If you’re single, a fitness coach – who could be a celebrity — can revitalise your future.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

The sun shines on your money-focused chart and you are ready to look at a set of figures again.

You know what you are worth now, and you are prepared to make sure you
get it. 

The more lovers – or would-be lovers – talk, the more they see a shared future take shape. Even if it’s unusual. 

You will recognise instantly what is right for you. Red circles are lucky.

DESTINY DAYS  Make sure you’ve gathered essential information before you
make a move on Tuesday.  Listen carefully to an “S” friend on Friday. Search for hot bargains at 10 o’clock.

LUCKY LINKS  The family member with the oldest vehicle.  Special teacher
names from school.  Numbers that include double zero.

SUMMER LOVING Venus makes communication a total turn-on this summer, and when partners talk on the phone, or record messages (even in the same house) you can both feel the freedom to say bold, sexy things. 
Including one big passion question. 

If you’re single, Mars’ impulsive style means you can fall head over heels with a voice — on the radio, a podcast, or just passing by — and form a bond that’s intimate from the start. Sharing wish-lists, in words and pictures, takes love to a new


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

Passion planet Venus has eyes on the Virgo prize – making you the most adored and adorable zodiac sign. 

You enthrall partners at any stage – and also have a natural charm that lends itself to leading in positive, painless ways. 

So you can reach a difficult group decision faster than you expect. Talks
early in the week can lead to a mega career choice by the end.

DESTINY DAYS  Work words finally make sense on Tuesday.  A health change starts well on Thursday. Save Sunday for property-based celebrations.

LUCKY LINKS A building with a green roof. Your least vain friend. A
mirror with words printed on it.

SUMMER LOVING  Yes, you are the one to take charge in love – and make
it all about YOU. You’ve got Venus confidence and Mars fire this summer
– and whoever you set your mind (and heart) on can feel powerless to

Setting the pace physically may feel risky, but a partner will adore the chance to lie back and let you lead.  If you’d like to meet someone new, letting a mask drop and being totally, tremendously yourself can hook hot hearts.  And you can rate your own pleasure as high as anyone else’s.  Especially with someone who shares your initial.


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

You don’t just shine in a friendship or social circle – you help others do the same. 

So as a group you can step into a powerful new phase of togetherness. In
pleasure, but also business. 

You have so much to offer solo, too – Venus makes two hearts grow fonder from a distance, but also supports your independent success. Luck plays Italian music.

DESTINY DAYS  It’s what you do that counts on Monday, what you say that
matters on Wednesday.  Edit messages carefully for meaning on Saturday.

LUCKY LINKS  A prize contest linked to “G” food.  An address with a
colour in it.  Music linked to a special celebration in your past.

SUMMER LOVING  You are ready — and willing — to let your secret self out
to play this summer. This can make love so satisfying, because you
longer have to hide so much away. 

Venus builds emotional resources to be independent, and proud of who you are, as you are, into yourself. So you stay in a bond because you want to, not because you feel you should.

If you’re a love-seeker, Mars draws you to a loner, who lives in an unusual, self-sufficient way but still has so much love to give. This unlocks your true physical fire.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

Emotionally, your chart progresses all week, through personal challenges to a strong, secure bond of love. 

So yes, you can find the right person, or people, to support you while you try new things on every level. 

The surprise can be how simple this seems. A goal linked to a sunshine country is closer than it’s been for months. So do keep your focus.

DESTINY DAYS   You’ve got a cheeky smile on Tuesday – yes, “R” will
notice.  Link up to a travel list on Thursday and set a strict cash deadline for someone younger on Saturday.

LUCKY LINKS  A display of blue and white crockery.  The sound of
children’s laughter. A line of floral flags.

SUMMER LOVING   High ideals are your passport to high-stakes love this
summer. So if you feel there’s anything you and a partner never seem to
agree on, you can tackle this now with Venus’ help.

And starting, or supporting, a charity project together can really unlock some two-way special feelings. 

When you feel respect for yourself, you’ll expect it from others too – this is Mars’ Scorpio love lesson for the next few weeks. So hold your head high and expect only the best – and the sexiest – from love encounters.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

You’ve got an intense travel and truth chart as the sun aims high — exposing ways you may have tried to cut corners. 

Now you can go back and fill in blanks, do the research. And dismantle a barrier you assumed unbreakable. A full moon adds to personal layers of truth – you have emotional integrity that’s so admired at work and top of a head hunter’s wish list.

DESTINY DAYS   Odd numbers link to luck on Monday – letters from your
middle name on Thursday.  Keep Saturday free for a blitz on life admin.

LUCKY LINKS  “F” names in the workplace.  Spicy food at home.  A sporty
Aries who always seems to see the funny side.

SUMMER LOVING  Whatever — or whoever — you really want, you can get.  So promises planet Venus and Mars, planted in your success sector for the

If you’re single, this points to a high-flying business or celebrity name, and a golden prize can also be a factor. 

Everything on your passion wish-list — plus so much more — can be yours.  If you’re already settled, instead of just ticking over, you can draw up some new goals for a couple. From bedtime frolics to sharing cash, you’re ready
to raise your love game.


JULY 23 – AUG 23

You’re stepping into the spotlight this week, to claim your crown as the sunniest, funniest star sign. 

And writing out some of your life stories can be a positive — and paying — move. A “K” celebrity can be your guide here. 

Yes, a set of cash questions must all be answered, so don’t skip any. A full moon of marriage lights up a weekend of passionate surprises.

DESTINY DAYS  Scrap a project you’ve outgrown, and start again on Wednesday.  Setting an ambitious fitness schedule goes well on Friday. 
Sunday, focus on food quality, not quantity.

LUCKY LINKS   A building with turquoise blue paintwork.  A couple who
dress in very similar style.  “S”- based food.

SUMMER LOVING   You can’t own a person – specifically a partner – and
this summer Venus helps you realise this, and build more two-way freedom
into a bond. 

Yes, you adore to shower people you love with presents and
attention, but stepping back a little can give romance room to breathe. 
Each partner maintaining your own friends, and your own money, is
another love plus. 

More mystery brings more mutual attraction… If you’re single, selling or buying something online or locally can light a Mars love spark. You’ll be prepared to give everything up for this.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

Your moon pattern builds through the week, from putting in the emotional effort to reaping the rewards. 

So time you devote to love, and respect you give to your own feelings, can all repay you richly. 

In career terms, too, a course or experience offer you’ve always found too daunting, starts to seem more accessible. 

Do find out more. Love is ready to turn talk into action.

DESTINY DAYS  Admitting the parts you don’t understand can smooth a
document’s path on Monday.  Thursday and Friday work well to get a diary
up to date.

LUCKY LINKS  The smell of onions frying.  Family members singing
together. Some black and white steps.

SUMMER LOVING  Happy ever after is the theme of your passion summer, as Venus occupies your zone of security and peace. 

Yes, this can mean a change of address, or the one you have being extended for the happiest of reasons.   

But it can also show new harmony in a shared love space, as two people get back on the same page and put the past behind them. 

And “4” dates can play a key role in this.  Mars helps single Geminis click with new faces linked to temporary accommodation – or find passion
where history facts are presented.


DEC 22 – JAN 20

With Saturn’s back track now established in your cash zone, looking back over past cash dealings can highlight a missed winning name, or set of big prize numbers.

Best of all, you believe in yourself again – and your ability to bounce back.

Love-wise, when you prove you can learn, a partner will be eager to teach you.  Single?  A quiz fan could be The One.

DESTINY DAYS  Clear your cash decks on Monday as swift decisions could
be needed. Enter music-based contests on Tuesday, word ones on Friday. 
Save Sunday for reconciliations.

LUCKY LINKS  A house you always admire on a regular journey. Numbers
that divide by three.  Black and white pictures of a recent arrival.

SUMMER LOVING  Venus finds you looking deep inside yourself and reassessing what you have to give to love — but also what you’re getting
from it.  And any sense of imbalance can be corrected. 

Walking side by side on a journey is better than one partner trying to keep up with the other. 

This can apply to physical loving, or to the pace of forever plans. Mars fires up a real spirit of adventure, and you’re ready to try riskier, less predictable romance that allows your heart to grow and blossom.


Jan 21 – Feb 18

Shaking up teams and partnerships is your chart theme this week  – yes, you can make bonds better match your dreams. 

But not everyone around you may get on board with this. You’ve got a physical mystery that’s hard to resist – and a fast-talking Leo won’t want to! 

An Aquarius full moon rounds off the week with more than one intriguing personal invitation.

DESTINY DAYS  Tuesday is brilliant for research — and sharing information.  Ask around on Friday to hear the right love name at the
right time.  Add up winning numbers on Saturday.

LUCKY LINKS  A blue line painted on the ground. A river with a “D”
name.  Your relative with the shortest name.

SUMMER LOVING   As Venus settles into your zone of internal
transformation,  the lover you can be at the end of the summer is a
world away from who you are at the start. 

You’re confident, strong, but at the same time able to admit when certain behaviours aren’t working, or not as well as they should. And you can make some genius calls. 

Mars makes you a passion chameleon, able to be everything a new love
interest wants, or desires. Just be sure you’re OK with this version of
yourself, too.  Beach trysts are unforgettable.


Feb 19 – Mar 20

Maybe you’ve struggled to see yourself as a career person – until now.  The sun’s on point in your work-based zone so you can heat up “T” ambitions, in realistic ways. 

But also find that a dream job is suddenly right there, ready to jump
into your CV. You’ve also got the edge in a fitness sense, and can stay
one step ahead in a pace race.  Luckiest names link to letter “H”.

DESTINY DAYS You’ve got great persuasion power on Monday, so try asking
for that favour again. Check refunds and reboots on Wednesday as one
may go astray.  Dress to impress on Saturday.

LUCKY LINKS A childhood picture. A signature scent that reminds you of
someone special. Numbers that end in “5”.

SUMMER LOVING   Venus, planet of deep connections, strolls straight into
your weddings zone — and bells can be ringing this summer before you
know it. 

Total trust going forward, no matter what may have happened in
the past, clears the way to commitment. And at least three key love
choices can be confirmed.

Physically, Pisces summer loving is intense and full of unexpected, almost addictive, twists. Mars creates hot feelings for someone linked to the legal world – who wears a uniform with sexy style.


APR 21 – MAY 21

Hot family topics come up again as the sun joins Mars in your home sector.  But this time your voice can cut through the noise, and a date can be agreed. 

So give your all, and don’t give up. Your passion profile is pure romance — true love can hit your heart amidst what you assume is just fun flirting.  If
you’re attached, being more playful can reconnect partners.

DESTINY DAYS Everyone knows you mean business on Monday – so do you? Thursday and Sunday are key days for apologies – or explanations.

LUCKY LINKS Your friend with the most varied hairstyle. A house with
three red doors. Food served on a silver tray.

SUMMER LOVING  Yes, the heat is on in your love life as Venus stops in
your entertainment zone and scatters stardust over the next few weeks. 
Then Mars adds a measure of sheer unpredictable excitement. 

Movies, video calls and all kinds of pictures play a part – you may glimpse your soulmate in a friend’s social feed and instantly “know” them. Or spot a
potential partner on a news show clip. 

Meanwhile, lightening up an existing bond, and building in some role play or fun love games, especially outside or in water, can bring a set of questions forward.

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