Australian Plumber Rescues 2-Day-Old Puppy from Pipe After Pup Slides Down Bathroom Drain

Little puppies can get into big problems.

A 2-day-old puppy in the Beenleigh neighborhood of Queensland, Australia, found itself in quite a pickle on Saturday. The baby dog was resting, along with its mom and littermates, in the bathroom of its owner’s home when the cover on the drain in the center of the room accidentally popped off.

Unfortunately, the puppy along with one of its siblings slid down the open drain before their owner could fix the issue. According to USA Today, the pups’ human mom was able to grab one of the puppies out of the pipe by the tail, but the other slid farther down, getting caught in a bend of the pipe.

Understandably panicked, the owner of the puppies called a plumber for help. Joseph Egan of The Brisbane Plumbers got the call and thought it was a prank at first.

“I realized it was serious,” Egan told USA Today. “She was really quite panicked. You could really hear it in her voice that she wasn’t lying.”

When the plumber arrived, he sent a small CCTV camera down the pipe to get an idea of where the puppy was located — Egan also took a video of the rescue.

Once he determined where the pup was in the pipe, he cut the section of pipe containing the pup out and gently shook the little animal out of the tight confines.

The puppy, who let out little yelps throughout the rescue, didn’t sustain any injuries during the incident.

“This was pretty unique for this situation to unfold and for the puppy to survive. It’s nothing short of a miracle, really,” Egan said of the job, his first puppy pipe rescue in his 12 years as a plumber.

The whole ordeal inspired the puppy’s family to name the baby dog Troopie because the pup was such a trooper during the hour he was stuck in the pipe.

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