Horoscopes today – Russell Grants star sign forecast for Wednesday, July 19


A project recently taken on is demanding a bigger commitment from you than you had anticipated. This can sap you emotionally, physically or mentally. Identify what your main aims are at this time and only continue with this if you feel you have the time and energy to make it become a reality.


Make some time to sort through letters and emails and to catch up on reading through documents and important papers. Be sure to file everything in its proper place so you will find them easily again later if you need to check details or information. It’s a good time to catch up on correspondence.


Someone has been pulling strings for you behind the scenes. It might be a special assignment, a new job offer or an inclusive holiday package that a secret benefactor has made possible for you. You may never find out who this is but you will be saying a prayer of thanks for your good fortune.


Changes no-one wants are creating an emotional situation. Within the family it is hard to keep the atmosphere calm. You’ve always been in touch with your feelings but it may be necessary now to detach yourself emotionally from the situation in order to view it from a more objective perspective.


A situation is causing you a good deal of stress and anxiety. This tension makes you feel out of balance emotionally. One way of approaching this matter is to look at your reactions. What is it that is triggering such strong feelings? With greater clarity you will find a way to deal with this.


You aren’t yet brave enough to admit how much someone is starting to mean to you. You’re hiding your real feelings even from yourself. Is it fear that is holding you back from acknowledging this? Look into your heart and you will see that this is the relationship you have always longed for.


You will get the chance to teach someone some valuable skills. They are open to learning from you when they respect and admire your talents. It will give you a huge boost to be able to use your gifts to help in another person’s growth.


For friendship to thrive you need to feel appreciated and understood. When someone acts as if your views and feelings aren’t important, they can’t really be called a proper friend. Anyone who keeps putting themselves first and disregarding others needs to be eliminated from your life.


Creative ideas are charged with originality. Don’t be surprised if you are offered an unusual opportunity. Are you single? An old love affair will be successfully rekindled and this will put a new and happier slant on your plans for the months ahead.


Trouble with traffic on your morning commute will make you late for an important appointment. Public transport cannot be relied on. Delays will impede your progress but when these cannot be avoided, all you can do is rearrange your schedule. Nothing can be rushed.


You’re growing tired of waiting for someone to make an important decision. You understand they have a lot to think about and you have been patient but you have waited long enough. Just putting some gentle pressure on them to make a choice will mean you can now move forward with or without their support.


Protecting your own interests should be your first priority. When you are asked questions from people in power, be honest with your answers. A senior colleague is having to face questions about recent issues when it will become apparent they have been abusing their power. If you aren’t happy, then say so.

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