Hugh Hefner’s butler claims girlfriends bonked Playboy staff behind his back

A butler who worked at the infamous Playboy Mansion for almost 20 years says at least one of Hugh Hefner's "girlfriends' cheated on him.

Bryant Horowitz was Hefner’s butler from 1997 until 2016, shortly before the Playboy tycoon’s death at the age of 91.

Appearing on the Girls Next Level podcast, Bryant confirmed rumours that staff and the "girlfriends" used to shack up.

READ MORE: 'I bonked Playboy boss Hugh Hefner with A-cup boobs – his girlfriends hated me'

Podcast host Holly Madison said: “I heard one of the girlfriends was having an affair with one of the butlers and they had sex on the tiger-skin couch…”

Bryant confirmed the rumour, saying: “Yes, that is true – but I’m not naming any names.”

When Holly followed up by asking if there was any truth to the rumour that one of the elderly tycoon’s “girlfriends” had also had an affair with one of the security guards, Bryant said: “That also is true.”

“There have been instances of that going on but those people did not last 18 years," he added.

Staff were expressly forbidden from “fraternising” with mansion residents and the guests at Hefner’s parties.

Bryant explained: “There was a pretty stern don’t fraternise with the girls rule. That was the big rule, that you don’t fraternise with the guests.”

But Playmates and girlfriends would still often flirt with Mansion staff at parties.

“Sometimes if they had drinks they would be coming in [to the kitchen] and things like that but I would try to remain as professional as possible and keep my distance,” he explained.

Sometimes, getting friendly with Playboy party guests was unavoidable, with Bryant adding: “There was one actress there that wanted to date me, and we did for a couple of months… but not a playmate.”

“I was there for 18 years,” he continued. “If anything had happened I wouldn’t have been there that long.”

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