I am furious with my husband after my toddler fell down the stairs

I’m furious that my husband wasn’t watching our toddler when she fell down the stairs – but people say I’m overreacting and ‘kids have accidents’

  • Many rushed to the Mumsnet comments to tell the woman she is ‘overreacting’
  • Read More: Many rushed to the comments to tell the woman she is ‘overreacting’

A woman revealed she is ‘furious’ with her husband after their toddler fell down the stairs while he was minding her.

Taking to British parenting platform Mumsnet, the woman explained that she asked her spouse to watch their daughter but was distraught to discover she’d fallen. 

The little girl, who was uninjured, had fallen when her dad had taken his eyes off her while doing DIY. 

The mum went onto say that she is always speaking to him about ‘safety issues’ but he never takes her seriously. She added that she has ‘diagnosed PTSD’ related to her daughter’s health. 

However many rushed to the comments to tell the woman she is ‘overreacting’ and to think about installing ‘a stair gate.’ 

A woman revealed on Mumsnet that she is ‘furious’ with her husband after their toddler fell down the stairs while he was minding her (stock image)

The woman explained: ‘I am probably being unreasonable, but I’m so angry at my husband for what happened last night.

She explained that she asked her husband to watch their 15-month-old daughter while doing a ‘few jobs after dinner’. 

‘I was in the utility room when I heard him swear, and came running out into the hallway just in time to see my daughter bouncing down a flight of six solid mahogany stairs. 

‘She cried straightaway, but seemed okay, although obviously I took her to be checked out (which resulted in a very late night for all of us and I have an absolute tonne of work to do today and I could really do without being completely knackered). 

‘I did call 111 first but they didn’t call back until around midnight and I didn’t want to put her to bed without taking advice, so we were already at the hospital.

‘I know kids have accidents, but this was completely preventable. He’d left some stuff on the floor she shouldn’t have been able to get hold of and in the course of taking it off her and putting it back where it was, she’d run straight out into the hallway and gone flying down the stairs. 

‘I never leave doors open when I am watching her for this very reason – I also would have picked her up and relocated the items elsewhere while holding her. 

She continued: ‘I’m always on at him about safety issues and I feel like he never takes me seriously. Well now I am left with the image of her bouncing down the stairs like a ragdoll and I am f***ing fuming. She could have been killed or seriously injured.

‘Am I being unreasonable  to still be absolutely furious at him? He had a 9am meeting this morning but I let DD [dear daughter] lie in as she was knackered and told him he could do the nursery drop, fill in the accident form and explain what happened – and if he was late for his meeting, that was his problem.

Taking to British parenting platform Mumsnet, the woman explained that she asked her spouse to watch their daughter as she had a few jobs to do but he took his eyes off her to put DIY items away

However many rushed to the comments to tell the woman she is ‘overreacting’ and to think about installing ‘a stair gate’

‘So as not to drip feed, I have diagnosed PTSD that arises from DD’s health.’

Some people suggested that children have accidents all the time and she shouldn’t be too hard on her husband. 

One person: ‘PTSD aside re your dds health and I do hope it is nothing too serious I do think YABU (you’re being unreasonable)’.

‘Kids have accidents all the time at this age. I guarantee she will have an accident whilst in your care one day. I’d cut your husband a bit of slack on this one, it’s not as if he did this on purpose. He sounds as upset as you are.’

Another said: ‘I expect he has learnt from his mistake. He probably feels terrible. Your child WILL have preventable accidents on your watch too.’

While another said: ‘Kindly, you’re overreacting. She will have many more accidents and you can’t be taking her to the hospital every time if she’s actually OK.. I’d try to get some help for your PTSD as I think it’s making you over anxious, something you don’t want to affect your daughter or your relationship with your husband.’

Someone else said: ‘Toddlers have accidents and unless you strap them in a buggy 24/7 you’re not going to stop it. They are learning to negotiate the world and their limitations.

The original poster later revealed that they will be putting up stair gates this weekend

‘My eldest fell down a full flight of stairs just as we were getting ready to go out to buy a stair gate.’

The original poster later revealed that they will be putting up stair gates this weekend. 

She said: ‘Re a stair-gate – we’ve been having work done on the stairs which has just finished. I’ve been asking DH (dear husband) to measure up for more stair gates (we have one on her bedroom door already) and in the meantime, ensure all doors are closed and she is not unsupervised at all. 

‘Our house is unusual and split level, there are stairs everywhere and they can’t be carpeted as they are open tread. Not ideal with kids, but also not much we can do about it. 

‘We did have a quote to replace the staircases but it was over £20,0000 and it’s money we don’t have. Dear husband is reluctant to put eight stair gates up but I told him it was necessary. It will now be done this weekend, whether he likes it or not and whether or not I have to pay someone to do it!

‘I understand that there may come a time when she has an accident in my care – she’s had accidents at nursery and I haven’t felt the same way. I know accidents happen. 

‘But there’s a difference surely between a trip/bump when she’s running around (still at the clumsy falling over her own feet stage) and an accident that could have been prevented if he’d just thought ahead and not left some DIY stuff on the floor and not closed the doors/put her down near this stairs.’ 

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