I had a pimp for protection but the only person that hurt me was rival hooker

A sex worker who spent 20 years on the streets says she always liked to work with a pimp for the "security" it gave her – but the only time she was really hurt was by one of her rivals.

The woman, who gave her name as Tasha, says she was horribly scarred when another working girl pushed a broken bottle into her face – while her pimp held her down.

“I'd say a good a good portion of my money goes to my children, and into a pimp as well,” the 41-year-old explained. “He gets his off the top."

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Tasha added: “You make a play for $500 (just under £400) and as soon as you hit the door where he's at, or back in the car or whatever, hand it all over and then he will give back what he feels like I deserve.”

Tasha says she’s gone “renegade” a few times and worked on her own “but for whatever reason I just feel like it's a lot easier with somebody there to… you know… set the play up".

“Al I have to do is get dressed, throw on some makeup and head out the door," she says.

“That's security too, to have a pimp. Just to know…that if anything goes wrong there's somebody there that's gonna that's gonna have your back."

“But,” she adds, “I’ve never had anything go wrong thus far … not with a customer.”

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Tasha has a savage-looking scar on one cheek. She explained to the Soft White Underbelly podcast how she got it.

She had become almost a second-in-command for an “attractive guy” that was running a stable of women. “He left me in charge of these b*****s, keep them in line”. But that led to some resentment from one of the younger girls.

“I was gone out on a play,” Tasha recalled, “and she went to him and and bitched and complained and I hurt her feelings and I guess he was a little sweet on her too.

“For whatever reason she didn't want to have to work with me anymore, and so I came in from making my play and he was waiting kind of behind the door.”

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As Tasha tried to close the door, the pimp grabbed her, pinning her arms behind her back.

The rival sex worker “just got in my face and was just screaming at me that she was gonna take me out of the game – she didn't want to deal with me anymore and he was totally with it”.

“The next thing I know,” she added, “I hear a loud crash, and what it was, she took a beer bottle and she hit me right here with it and … you know cut my head open up here and then she took the broken piece of the bottle that was left in her hand and just stabbed me in my face – just ripped my face open and they just left me there laying on the floor.”

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Some of the other girls took Tasha to hospital, where she needed 19 stitches to sew up the horrific gash in her face. She says she almost didn’t recognise herself when she looked in a mirror.

“That kind of betrayal is is it's tough,” she says, “it's part of the game though…and people can they turn on you in an instant. At any moment you know you always have to, you know, watch your back and make sure that you you can protect yourself.”

Despite her horrific experience, Tasha says she is happy in the life.

“When people find out what profession I'm in, they look at me like ‘Oh you poor thing’ like they feel sorry for me," she adds.

“Don't feel sorry for me. My profession is no different than a brain surgeon; you know I wake up every day and I go to work and I choose to do this.”

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