Melania Trump’s hairdresser shares insight into ‘warm’ First Lady behind ‘reserved’ facade

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Melania Trump, 50, has hit the headlines several times for her facial expressions. In particular, her straight-face expression when she is attending events with her public. Appearing on ITV’s Lorraine, Melania’s hairdresser, Lino Carbosiero, has shared an insight into what The First Lady is really like behind closed doors.

Donald Trump and Melania got married in 2005, after meeting seven years previously in New York.

Since entering The White House, the couple have been in the spotlight more than ever. 

The First Lady is renowned for her lack of facial expressions which makes Melania hard to read and often means she attracts negative attention.

However, Melania’s hairdresser, Lino Carbosiero has known the couple for many years, and says that the couple are very different to how they are portrayed.

Speaking on Lorraine, he said: “I see a completely different side to what people try and say about her.

“She is so warm and considerate, when I take my assistants with me…she constantly asks if they’re ok, if they need a drink, she is so nice, it’s unbelievable. 

“She will hug you, if you speak to any of her team, they love her, they love him actually as well.

“They are so nice behind the scenes, when you’re working with someone at five, six in the morning, when there’s no cameras, there’s no show, what’s lovely is that you see them in their natural state.”

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Lino also shared how she saw this with Hilary Clinton and the Cameron’s too. 

He added: “You see them in the raw state and that’s when you get a really good understanding of what people are like.”

The hairdresser also explained how he understands that while Melania’s persona may seem cold in public, it is far from the truth.

He said: “They’re always so guarded because everyone is always trying to be so judgmental to anybody in the limelight…they’re judged so much that it almost makes them a little bit reserved.

“Privately, she’s funny, really intelligent and most of all she’s respectful and just a lovely person…she’s got a great sense of humour.”

Body language expert Judi James explained how Melania’s facial expressions could be mis-read by the public.

She said: “Melania doesn’t really do a huge variety of facial expressions and her difficult-to-read, sphynx-like look has probably been useful, given she is Trump’s wife and been through all the highs, lows and dramas of the past four years.

“Her beauty tends to be static, more like a Vogue model, and this can probably lead to some mis-reading, especially when she does the ‘lightning smile’ where her smile has appeared and dropped very quickly.”

This can be seen when Melania greets her step-daughter Ivanka at the Republic National Convention back in August. 

Donald and Melania’s relationship is also very hard to read because in public, displays of affection are extremely minimal.

While Donald occasionally taps his wife’s back or gives her a hug, during the first couple of years in The White House, it was never seen in public.

Lino explained that their relationship is very loving.

He said: “They have a cheekiness together, he is very very loving as well. I see that, and my assistants see it too, it’s not like I’m making it up, it’s true.

“They really have this little bond and they giggle and they laugh and it’s sweet actually.”

Judi also shared how Donald shows a tough exterior but his small public displays of affection could suggest that Donald needs Melania in his life.

She said: “[Donald] Trump is the master of resilient toughness but there are some suggestions that Melania might have been some kind of a constant that he needs in his life behind the scenes.”

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