Teenager reveals how her stepfather abused her from the age of 6

Teenager who was sexually abused from the age of six by her stepfather reveals how he forced her to watch porn and would bribe her into silence with money

  • Nia Green, 18, was abused by her stepfather Michael Elve from the age of 6-14 
  • Elve was found guilty of 11 charges by Teeside Crown Court in July 2021
  • The 46-year-old from County Durham was jailed for 11 years in September 2021
  • Now Nia wants to help others who are being abused to find the courage to speak 

A teenager has revealed how her stepdad sexually abused her as a child – even forcing her to watch porn.

Nia Green, now 18, was preyed on by Michael Elve, 46, between the ages of six and 14. Elve would wait until Nia’s mother, Emma, 40, was asleep before abusing Nia. 

He was jailed in September 2021 for 11 years after being found guilty of 11 charges of abuse at Teeside Crown Court.

Now Nia has bravely waived her anonymity to help raise awareness of childhood sexual abuse. 

The animal management college student, says: ‘Michael was like a father figure to me, but he betrayed me in the worst way. 

Nia Green, 18, has waived her right to anonymity because she wants to raise awareness around childhood sexual abuse in the hopes she can help others who are afraid to speak out

Michael Elve, 46 (pictured here with Nia) was jailed for 11 years last September, after Teeside Crown Court found him guilty of 11 charges of abuse

Nia described her stepdad Elve (pictured) as being ‘like a father figure’ to her, but says he ‘betrayed her in the worst way’ 

‘I want to help others who are experiencing abuse to find the courage to speak up. They are not alone.’

Growing up Nia doted on Elve, a former soldier.He came into her life when she was three after her mother and father divorced.

She says: ‘During the school holidays, while my mum worked long hours as a waitress, Michael would take me and my older brother fishing. Soon, I called him “Dad”.’

But, when Nia turned six, everything changed. One Saturday, Elve took her to McDonald’s for lunch.

She says: ‘As I tucked into my fries and nuggets in the car, Michael said he’d buy me an extra milkshake if I did him a favour later that day. I agreed and he bought me one.’

Back at home, while her mother and brother were out, Elve and Nia watched TV together. Suddenly, Elve sidled up to his stepdaughter.

Nia says: ‘Michael asked me if I remembered the favour I’d promised earlier.

‘I nodded. Moments later he started moving his hand up my thigh. Then he slid his hand into my knickers and starting rubbing my privates.

‘I didn’t understand what was happening. I thought it was normal behaviour for dads to do.’

Afterwards Elve made Nia promise not to tell anyone. Confused, she agreed. After that, whenever the two were alone, Elve would grope her. Nia dreaded the evenings. 

Nia (pictured with Elve) said she used to dread the evenings, as her stepdad would abuse her after her mother went to bed

The teenager (pictured with her mother Emma, and Elve) said Elve would take her shopping to bribe her into silence, although she was too frightened to speak out 

She says: ‘Most nights, he’d wait until my mum had gone to bed and he’d pounce. Rubbing his hands under my knickers. I hated it.’

Time passed and when Nia reached 12, Elve made her watch a porn film.

She says: ‘He ordered me to come and sit next to him. Reluctantly, I sat at the edge of the sofa. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him pull something from behind his back.

‘He told me it was a back massager. But I now know it was a vibrator. He said he’d give me a massage. I told him ‘no’ and started to cry.’

But Elve ignored her pleas and ordered her to undress, sexually abusing her with the vibrator. 

Nia says: ‘It was so painful, I wanted to cry. Michael said it was supposed to make me feel good. He was evil, I hated him.’

Often, after abusing Nia, Elve would take her shopping to buy her silence. He’d buy Nia new clothes or give her cash. By this point, she was scared to tell anyone about the abuse.

Elve pleaded not guilty, but was found guilty on 11 charges of sexual abuse and sentenced to 11 years in prison at Teeside Crown Court

Nia (pictured today) couldn’t face Elve in court, so she stood behind a screen when giving evidence against him

In 2018 when Nia was 14, she wanted to fake tan, so Elve bought her some lotion. She says: ‘Back at home, he asked if he could put it on me. Reluctantly I agreed, but insisted he only put it on my arms and legs.

‘But after stripping down to my underwear, he made me get naked and sexually assaulted me while he applied it over my body. There was no escaping his grubby hands.’

Thankfully, the following year, when Nia was 15, her mum and Michael split up. Soon after, they moved out.

Nia says: ‘I was relieved. I was finally free from Michael’s abuse and tried to move forward with my life. But the memories kept surfacing and I couldn’t face keeping it a secret anymore.’

The week before her 16th birthday, Nia decided to tell her mum.

She says: ‘I couldn’t bring myself to tell her to her face. Instead, I wrote her a letter. In it, I included everything he’d done throughout the years.

‘I walked downstairs into the living room and handed the note to Mum. As she read it, her face dropped.

‘She felt so guilty and wouldn’t stop apologising. It wasn’t her fault. Michael was the master of manipulation.’

Now Nia (pictured today) is speaking out to encourage other survivors of abuse to report their attackers too 

The brave teenager says her stepfather stole her childhood, so now she wants to help encourage others who are being abused to tell someone they trust

The next day, with her mum’s support, Nia reported Elve to the police. He was arrested, but denied the charges.

A month later, in November 2020, he pleaded not guilty at court and Nia was forced to give evidence.

She says: ‘I couldn’t face seeing him, so I stood behind a screen, recounting the horror he’d put me through for all those years.

‘When it was his turn on the stand, he lied and said I’d made it all up. He disgusted me.’ 

In July 2021, Michael Elve, of Jedburgh Drive, Darlington, County Durham, was found guilty on 11 charges of sexual abuse. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison at Teeside Crown Court.

Nia says: ‘It wasn’t enough for him stealing my childhood. He put me through years of hell. No amount of jail time will make up for that. Please, if you’re being abused, tell someone you trust.

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