Woman with nut allergy shows shocking reaction result

I could have died from my extreme nut allergy… medics tried to save me while I was making TikTok videos in hospital

  • A woman with a nut allergy has shared footage of a life-threatening reaction
  • The video posted by Shiv Sewlal, has been seen by a massive 17 million people
  • Most viewers were shocked that she didn’t realise she had to use her epi-pen

A woman with a nut allergy has shared footage of the life-threatening reaction she experienced, after touching something that had come into contact with a peanut.

The TikTok video posted by Shiv Sewlal, has been seen by a massive 17 million people in less than a week – most viewers were shocked by the influencer’s calm composure.

Speaking to the camera, she said ‘Guys, I don’t know what just happened but something clearly happened.

‘I never know when to actually go to the hospital or not. I feel completely fine, it’s just this is not looking fine.’

In the clip, her eyelids and parts of her cheeks were completely swollen and discoloured, however, the TikToker didn’t seem to panic about what was happening.

I still don’t know what I touched that caused the reaction 😅 but after rubbing my eyes – I immediately started swelling up #allergicreactioncheck #peanutallergyawareness #epipencheck

A woman with a nut allergy has shared footage of the life-threatening reaction she experienced, after touching something that had come into contact with a peanut

She added ‘I can’t see properly, so I’m just like touching things. I’m going to the hospital – it’s so annoying when you don’t even eat anything you’re allergic to and this is what happens – It’s really itchy.’

Making her way outside, she struggled to get out of her building as the facial recognition didn’t know it was her due to her face being so swollen.

When she finally arrived, she filmed the experience and a healthcare worker can be heard saying in the background ‘you need to go to the resuscitation bed.’

A Doctor went on to ask ‘You said you’ve got an adrenaline pen, did you use it?,’ to which Shiv replied ‘No’.

He asked her why not and she responded ‘I didn’t know if I should use it’.

Appearing panicked, the doctor continued ‘You must use it. Pull pants down’.

She then had a first injection of adrenaline, writing on the video ‘my thigh’s throbbing where they poked the needle’.

The influencer told hospital staff she was ‘ so surprised’ by the reaction as she didn’t eat anything she was allergic to, and she was told ‘I’m sure there’s something that you touched that is affecting you.’

The TikTok video posted by Shiv Sewlal, has been seen by a massive 17 million people in less than a week – most viewers were shocked by the influencers calm composure

Shocked, she replied ‘Oh so the touch is the thing that affected me?’

She then a second injection in her arm, and laughed afterwards as she said ‘that was the worst one, felt like that went in my bone’.

After this, she got another one, adding ‘Got my third injection, a nice fat drip. I’m freezing, I got like the shakes and stuff’.

Seemingly unfazed by the emergency, she filmed a TikTok lip-syncing to a song and was ’embarrassed’ when a doctor walked in on her.

Reflecting on what happened, she told viewers ‘What’s scary is that I was literally gonna just take an allergy tablet and then sleep. I thought I was being overdramatic’

‘But like, everyone is quite stressed here. When in doubt, just go to the hospital.’

The next morning, she came back with an update: ‘Good morning guys, it’s the next day and I’m still swollen as you can see, but I feel good’.

She also made another video captioned ‘When I just learned that if I touched something that touched peanuts, it could kill me’ which got another 1.6 million views.

Seemingly unfazed by the emergency, she filmed a TikTok lip-syncing to a song and was ’embarrassed’ when a doctor walked in on her

Commenters on both videos said they were ‘panicking’ for her and were shocked she didn’t use her epi-pen.

One person wrote ‘Why wouldn’t you use your epi pen? This is insane,’ while another added ‘For those wondering when they should be using their epipen this might help’.

A nurse chimed in with ‘As a nurse, I’m not going to lie, I’m panicking that you didn’t use your epi pen. I’m glad all turned out well, but in the future, that’s an immediate’.

Others added ‘I’m genuinely just in shock that u thought u didn’t need to use an epi pen’ and ‘Girl I want your level of calmness’. 

Another baffled viewer wrote ‘the fact that you questioned going to the hospital, and it’s CLEAR that you should. its just wild!’ 

Someone else said ‘Why are you so calm I’m freaking out watching this,’ to which another viewer replied ‘I’m freaking out and she’s out here singing, doing tiktoks’.

However, some people understood why the TikToker would question using her epi pen, with one writing ‘I get why you wouldn’t use the epipen though… I thought you were only supposed to use it if the allergic reaction caused your throat to swell’.

Another said ‘I thought epi pens were just for when you couldn’t breathe. I wouldn’t have thought to use mine either lol’. 

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