Years of my wife's mood swings and no sex pushed me to have an affair

DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER years of mood swings, no libido and poor mental health, my wife is finally getting help — but only because she’s discovered my long-term love affair.

I’m in turmoil. Do I end my affair and try to revive our dead marriage?

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It has been failing for several years.

My wife’s changing behaviour and lack of interest in sex drove me into the arms of an old friend.

I’m 47 and my wife is 46. We’ve been married for 18 years and have two children, who are 15 and 13.

To be honest, the only thing that stopped me from leaving years ago is my children.

My wife and I were once deeply in love. But over the years, she became more and more withdrawn and pushed me away.

She’d scream at me for the slightest thing, like putting my coffee cup in the wrong place, or coming home five minutes late.

She stopped wanting to have sex and wouldn’t discuss it.

Eventually, I gave up trying. I sought comfort from an old friend, 48, who was also having marriage problems.

After she divorced her husband, that friendship turned into a physical relationship.

Last month, my wife found out. Perhaps I wasn’t as careful as I should have been, or maybe part of me wanted her to know.

I expected her to end the marriage.

Instead, she shocked me by saying she’d been seeing a therapist, had been diagnosed with depression and now understood that her mood swings were the result of trauma from an abusive teenage relationship.

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She told me she’s realised how much she loves me and wants us to try again.

Now I’m at a crossroads and don’t know what to do. My head says stay, my heart says leave.

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DEIDRE SAYS: This is a difficult dilemma, with no “right” decision, so perhaps some space from both women would be a good idea.

There’s no way of knowing if things with your lover would work out, and the repercussions of leaving will be vast.

Please don’t stay with your wife simply because she has mental health problems. Only stay if you can see a happy future together and if she shows she is committed to getting the support she needs.

Staying out of a sense of duty will make you unhappy in the long term, and your children would pick up on the unsettling home atmosphere.

My support pack, Torn Between Two Lovers, might be helpful for you to read.

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