Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, March 10


March 21- April 19

As a motivated Ram Aries you like to call the shots and make it all happen, but try not to dig your heels in. Developments may be out of your hands, but if you compromise outcomes will be better than expected and relationships will strengthen. So try to relinquish control and go with the flow.

Every star sign on love, career and more.Credit:iStock


April 20-May 20

You’ll feel particularly nurturing today and will want to show loved ones, friends or housemates just how much you appreciate them. Pamper your partner with a lovingly cooked meal, buy your mum some flowers, send your sibling a cheeky text or take your closest friend for coffee. Kind gestures will make their day and yours.


May 21-June 21

Make the most of ruler Mercury in your travel sector today and for the next few days to reshuffle travel plans. Murky waters and last minute changes needn’t put a roadblock on a trip away. Look at different destinations, another, more convenient time or perhaps a different companion. It will be a blessing in disguise!


June 22-July 22

Today is all about practising the gentle art of give and take. If you find that people are asking for more than you’re willing to offer right now you may need to give them some tough love. Similarly if you are the one feeling a bit let down perhaps it’s time to lower your expectations.


July 23-August 22

Today you’ll feel efficient and invincible and will be able to cram more into your day, however, it’s important to know your limitations. Recognise and focus on what can be done especially with smaller, practical details. This will help you to build a firm foundation enabling you to make consistent strides towards your objectives.


August 23-September 22

When it comes to cerebral Virgos too much stimulation is never enough! Ruling planet Mercury is heightening your thirst for knowledge so make sure you surround yourself with mentally challenging activities. With your curiosity and brain power at its peak strike while the iron’s hot and enquire about that short course you’ve been meaning to enrol in.


September 23-October 22

Hold onto your hats, Librans! If life has seemed a little on the ho-hum hum side with the machinations boring the heck out of you the dynamics are about to take an exciting turn. Sprightly stars are filing into your sector of everyday life bringing with them interesting twists, surprise visits and last minute travel. Have your tote bag ready!


October 23 – November 22

Careful what you wish for! You may be feeling a tad restless and itching for drama. If excitement isn’t forthcoming try to do things differently, whether it’s taking the scenic route, eating lunch in a new setting, striking up a conversation with someone unlikely or getting your craziest friends over for an impromptu night in.


November 23-December 20

Dynamic forces are at work giving plans an epic push. If you’ve had plans on the boil but lacked the support or resources today will show promising results. If you’ve become a bit complacent with your wellbeing this is also a great time to attend to neglected health matters with check-ups and lifestyle changes.


December 21-January 19

The stars are encouraging you to open up! A disarming companion is all will take for a candid conversation. It’ll be therapeutic so don’t hold back and spill the beans. Meanwhile, domestic life will be the centre of your Universe thanks to the arrival of a new family member or exciting venture. Your advice will have an invaluable impact.


January 20-February 18

Questions surrounding the way you’ve structured family or domestic life may prompt you to revisit your roots and reflect on any events which may have created your emotional conditioning in order to improve the dynamics.Listening is the key to domestic bliss. On a more environmental note, repairs, renovations and lagging household projects will come together.


February 19-March 20

The stars foster harmony and creativity making this is the perfect time to write, read, bond with family and have heart-to-hearts with loved ones. You’ll be overcome with a pleasant feeling of laziness and will only want to participate in enjoyable activities. Don’t feel bad about doing absolutely nothing but be sure to jot down brilliant ideas!

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