BBC News: Steph McGovern forced to apologise to guests over ‘rude’ remark

Steph, 37, joined BBC Breakfast hosts Dan Walker, 42, and Louise Minchin, 50, on the sofa this morning as the business reporter.

During one segment however, Steph steered away from the business sector as she joined by two guests who she’d made a comment about yesterday’s show.

Katrina and her daughter Bridget were featured in newspapers yesterday for their initiative of having 12 recycling bins outside their home so their neighbours could recycle effectively.

However, Steph commented on the BBC morning show yesterday the bins must smell and put her assumptions to the test today as the pair from Nuneaton brought two on the bins along.

I made a possibly unfair comment

Steph McGovern

Steph told viewers: “I made a possibly unfair comment and I was like ‘Argh, they must stink,” in reference to the bins.

“The Barker family rightly sent me a tweet telling me how wrong I was.

“They invited me down to have a look at their bins, have a sniff of their bins, but instead, I’ve brought them here with their bins so I can find out for myself.”

Joined by Katrina and Bridget, Steph said: “Thank you very much for coming all this way with your bins,” before having the sniff of the bins.

With one full of crisp packets and anther with empty coffee jars, Steph was shocked to discover the smell wasn’t too bad.

Katrina hit back at the presenter, telling Steph: “It’s not a horrible smell, it’s not stink.”

The guest continued: “I don’t know what you put in your bins but ours don’t stink.”

Steph commented: “This is not all about the smell is it, that was just me being a bit rude. Apologies.”

After issuing her apology to the pair, the reporter then went on to discuss the recycling initiative with the mother and daughter.

On yesterday’s show, Steph was stunned by a comment Dan made after her report on the decline of shops on the high street.

Focussing on the business side of things, Steph said although shops were disappearing from the high street, people were still going out for entertainment purposes.

Louise said to her co-stars: “I still like going to the town or city centre, we’ll keep going.”

“We all need a hair cut don’t we, everyone needs a hair cut,” Dan remarked.

Stunned by Dan’s comments, Steph responded: “Yep… that’s a segue way.

“Everyone needs a haircut. Was that a poignant comment or…?” Steph quipped, to which Dan apologised.

“Sorry, I forgot I was on the tele,” Dan remarked, to which Steph asked: “Is that where you go to get yours?” with her co-host agreeing.

BBC Breakfast airs weekdays at 6am on BBC One.

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