Corries Ryan Early on Aadi and Courtneys affair being outed: Its a thriller!

Actor Ryan Early might be a new face on Coronation Street, but he’s an old hand when it comes to appearing in serial dramas having starred on The Archers, Emmerdale, The Bill, and Heartbeat.

“I’ve been on so many TV sets in 25 years and I’ve worked with so many people, but I do believe Corrie has something special about it,” he confesses. “You feel its history when you walk on the cobbles.”

He plays businessman Darren, who moved to Weatherfield with his wife, Courtney Vance (Stephanie Davis) in July. Within a week, Courtney had started an affair with teenager Aadi Alahan (Adam Hussain) and since then the pair have been sneaking around enjoying secret rendezvous. But this week, it all comes crashing down.

“When the truth comes out in the bistro it plays out like a thriller!” reveals Ryan.

“Courtney confesses the affair and gives Darren the hint that it’s somebody close to him. Then the whole thing begins to unravel. Darren starts going mad with paranoia, he feels like everyone around him is a suspect and of course the first person he suspects is Dev (played by Jimmi Harkishin).

“But then when he finds out it’s Aadi, this boy, it’s humiliating. Darren is in his 40s and suddenly his wife is with an 18 year old.”

However Darren quickly gets the upper hand realising Aadi has “got nothing to offer her”. So is Darren the type to make his unfaithful wife’s life a misery?

“Darren won’t go running to his wife begging her to come back. He’ll try to match her in the humiliation stakes,” reveals Ryan.

“He’ll make her pay emotionally. He will also point out to her exactly what she’s losing and remind her that her life will be a hell of a lot less comfortable without him, without the attention and without the credit card. He’ll make this a hell of a lot worse before it can even begin to get better.”

During his acting career, Ryan has been fortunate to play many different character types, but admits Darren is one of his favourites.

“The first 10 years of my career, especially when I was young, I was either playing rubbish coppers making lots of mistakes or I was mugging old ladies!” says Ryan.

“When you hit your 40s you feel like you’ve arrived as an actor. You’re a bit more rough around the edges and crinkly around the eyes but the stories are richer. And it makes acting much more exciting.”

Watch Coronation Street on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm, ITV

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