Daisy plans her exit as Justin prepares to walk free in new Corrie spoiler video

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Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) and Ryan Connor’s (Ryan Prescott) quest for justice against stalker and acid attacker Justin Rutherford (Andrew Still) is set to continue in next week’s Coronation Street, as the barristers put their closing statements to the jury.

Justin is standing trial for his acid attack against Ryan and Daisy, which has left them both completely traumatised.

Before throwing acid at Daisy and hitting Ryan by mistake, Justin had been stalking her for several months, after they met in hospital during Daisy’s breast cancer scare.

From then on, Justin grew obsessed with her, sending her flowers and messages constantly.

Police insisted there was nothing they could do, and soon Justin had let himself into Daisy’s house, leaving her terrified.

In a new spoiler video, Justin’s barrister urges the jury not to find him guilty if they have any doubt whatsoever over whether he threw the acid.

Her argument throughout the case has been that it was Ryan who threw the acid, not Justin, despite viewers knowing that that was not the case.

As she continued her closing argument, Daisy whispered to fiancé Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) that she was planning to book a hotel and call Daniel ‘when it is safe’.

Daniel assured her that she didn’t need to do that, but Daisy truly believed that the jury would find him not guilty, after the barrister’s comments about reasonable doubt.

Will Justin really get away with it, or will Daisy and Ryan get the justice they deserve?

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