Doctor Strange 2: Christine theory confirmed by Marvel boss

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer

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Doctor Strange 2 is juggling a lot of elements, from evil versions of the sorcerer, the return of the X-Men to a potential Deadpool cameo. It will also have to explain some of the hangover plot threads from the first film, with the Christine Palmer relationship being an important one. In the latest trailer, she is seen walking down the aisle, though the nurse isn’t marrying who audiences may expect.

Every superhero has their love interest, Spider-Man has MJ, Iron Man has Pepper Pots and Black Widow has Bruce Banner (or maybe Steve Rodgers, or perhaps Clint Barton). Regardless, Stephen Strange has Christine Palmer, though it seems to be unrequited love in the sequel.

Since the first trailer dropped in December 2021, some fans have become convinced that Christine is no longer with Stephen and has left him for another lover. It wouldn’t be too shocking though, as the former sorcerer supreme has a busy work schedule ahead of him.

Following the rumours, producer Charlie Palmer confirmed the pair would be heading in a new direction for the sequel.

Palmer explained they “are not back together, unfortunately.” Adding: “As we saw at the end of Doctor Strange, he chose to stay in the Sanctum, meaning he can’t entertain his selfish desires. He would’ve loved to stay with Christine at the end of that movie, but he did the hard thing. He said, ‘No. I’m going to be a superhero and defend our reality. I have to move on.’ As well as battling with the havoc unleashed by the multiverse, Doctor Strange might also spend some of the upcoming movie overcoming heartbreak. “Our movie shows him dealing with the decisions he’s made. He might regret how things ended with Christine; he still carries a torch for her.” (via 

It’s a completely new move for the couple, especially after the events of the spin-off animated series What If…

In the anthology series, a Doctor Strange from a different universe was cursed to witness Christine’s death over and over again no matter what he does to try and stop it. He consumes knowledge from cosmic beings across the multiverse in order to attain the power to save her.

The result is his universe completely imploding, all over his burning love for the nurse. The mage is then transformed into Supreme Strange, a character that appears to be leaping from animation to live-action in the new film.

He was spotted at the end of the trailer, saying: “Things just got out of hand.”

Strange was seen travelling into an animated world in the second trailer. The art style looked remarkably similar to What If…? in a blink and you’ll miss it moment.

Even more curious, Christine is seen travelling with Strange across the multiverse in the trailer, though in a new blue jumpsuit. This could be a different version of the character that the wizard meets on his universe crossing travels.

It is already clear that there will be countless cameos, endless versions of established characters and mind-blogging crossovers. Anything is possible in the Multiverse of Madness – perhaps Marvel’s most apt title yet.

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness will premiere in cinemas on May 6. 


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