EastEnders confirms another huge secret for Reiss

Reiss Colwell (Jonny Freeman) has a nasty habit of keeping secrets from girlfriend Sonia Fowler (Natalie Cassidy), and recent EastEnders scenes proved that he has another one up his sleeve.

The couple have spent the last few days discussing the possibility of having a baby through IVF.

The discussion began after Sonia suspected she may be pregnant, only to discover that Reiss was unable to have children of his own.

After making amends with his partner, having accused her of sleeping around, Reiss suggested that they look into IVF.

Sonia thought long and hard about the decision, wondering whether it was worth it, before ultimately agreeing that they should give it ago.

However, nurse Sonia then approached a work colleague, who informed her that the waiting lists for people who already have children are much longer, and sometimes they aren’t offered any funding.

With Sonia already being a mother to Bex Fowler, it meant that their hopes were dashed.

Though Reiss suggested they could look into going private, Sonia didn’t think they’d be able to afford it.

However, after some digging, Reiss remembered that his mother had set up an account for him as a child that he had forgotten about, and, after accruing interest for a number of years, there was enough in their for three or four rounds of IVF.

At least, that’s what he told Sonia.

While she celebrated the news of their new adventure with her friends in the Queen Vic, Reiss battled with his conscience at home.

This was because the money wasn’t his after all, but his wife Debbie’s.

Debbie has been living under full time care since suffering a stroke in the bath several years ago.

Though Reiss continues to insist that Debbie would want him to be happy, how will Sonia react if she finds out who the money really belongs to?

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