EastEnders fans predict Kat Slaters Christmas fate as she uncovers Sharon Watts secret

EastEnders' Sharon Watts has a secret that Kat has discovered, and fans think they've figured out a Christmas twist.

Kat Slater found out that Phil Mitchell is the real dad of Sharon Watts' son Albie, thanks to a recent DNA surprise during the episode which aired on Wednesday, 13 December.

Sharon had Albie nearly four years ago after an affair with her now fiance Keanu Taylor, reports The Mirror.

She cheated on her husband at the time, Phil and a test seemed to show he wasn't Albie's dad, but Keanu was.

However, in a recent episode, it was revealed that this was all wrong when a health scare showed Keanu couldn't be Albie's dad.

Sharon realised Phil must be the dad and tried to tell him, but ended up keeping it a secret from him and Keanu.

Keanu doesn't know Albie isn't his biological son ahead of their Christmas Day wedding, and both Phil and Keanu could die in a big Christmas twist.

The only person Sharon told was her brother Zack Hudson, but she soon let her best friend, Linda Carter in on the secret, during some emotional scenes.

When she discovered that Linda, who struggles with alcohol, was drinking again, she decided to keep quiet and pretend Phil wasn't the father.

She feared Linda might spill the beans, but later on, they had a chat in The Queen Vic toilets where Sharon confessed once more that Keanu wasn't Albie's dad.

But, Kat overheard this confession from one of the toilet stalls. She stormed out, with Sharon chasing after her, begging her to stay silent. However, Kat refused, believing her husband deserved to know the truth about his secret son.

Sharon threatened Kat, promising to ruin her life if she told Keanu and Phil the truth, and she even suggested that Phil might leave Kat for her if he found out they shared a son.

Despite Sharon's threats, Kat remained unfazed, leading to Sharon issuing a sinister warning.

Will Kat really keep this secret from Phil? Fans are speculating that these scenes could set up some Christmas drama.

Sharon is one of six female characters currently under suspicion., but fans believe a seventh woman will be revealed as the culprit, and many think the latest episode has hinted at who that might be.

Some fans reckon Kat might be the seventh woman at the crime scene and could play a part in the shocking death. Could this mean that Kat might end up offing Phil or Keanu as Sharon's secret is revealed?

One person said: "My mind changes everyday, but now I am thinking the body could be Phil? It would be an amazing storyline to end him with, no? Also he has links with pretty much every member of #TheSix, but maybe Kat becomes seven? #EastEnders."

While another penned: "Kat deserves to be the 7th, she’s a powerhouse of a character!"

Finally, this person tweeted: "REALLY want Kat to be the 7th after tonight’s ep."

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