Eastenders: Phil Mitchell's 'return' storyline explained

PHIL Mitchell will return for Dennis Rickman’s funeral and find himself at knife point next week in EastEnders.

It will be the first time the pair have set eyes on each other since Denny’s death during the boat crash, which was caused by Phil. 

When does Phil return to EastEnders?

Official spoilers have revealed that Phil will be back in time for the explosive funeral, which is set to take place next week. 

The drama will unfold on March 23 as the Square's residents head to say their final goodbyes to Denny. 

But Phil's arrival will throw a huge spanner in the works for Sharon – who's banned all Mitchells from the event.  

What is Phil’s comeback storyline?

On the big day, Sharon is horrified when she notices Ben turning up defiantly to the funeral to pay his respects.

And as Sharon storms out of the wake, she’s stunned to see Phil. 

Things start to heat up the next day as Sharon loses it and launches at Phil with a knife. 

When Ian and Kathy intervene, Phil ends up breaking down a door to speak to Sharon. 

The situation gets so dire that Ian ends up calling the police, forcing Phil to do a runner. 

Later, Sharon searches for Phil and ends up finding him at The Arches. 

But will there be another dramatic showdown or will they put their differences aside in order to honour the memory of Dennis?

Where has Phil been in EastEnders?

Phil did a runner straight after the tragic boat crash, leaving Sharon to grieve for Denny alone while looking after her new baby. 

After getting locked in a room below deck, Dennis drowned and was later pronounced dead at the scene. 

Sharon was livid when she later discovered that Phil had been behind the crash as he wrestled Keanu into the steering wheel of the boat.

When is Sharon going to find out that Ian killed Denny?

Viewers know that the real killer isn't Phil after all, but Ian Beale – who locked Denny below deck to teach him a lesson for bullying Bobby. 

Fans watched as Dotty stumbled upon Dennis’s voicemail begging Ian to let him out of the room following the boat disaster.  

Dotty wasted little time in showing it to Ian and blackmailing him into giving her the keys to the Arches. 

But Ian insisted that it belonged to Ben Mitchell and that he couldn't give it to her, leading Dotty forced to step up her threats.

Next week’s episodes of EastEnders will see Dotty continue to pile the pressure on Ian until he gives her what she wants. 

Secrets never stay hidden in Walford and it looks like the clock is ticking for Ian, but fans will have to tune in to find out if – and when – Sharon discovers Ian was behind Dennis's death.

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