Emmerdale fans spot tell-tale signs newcomer is up to no good | The Sun

NATE Robinson recently bumped into his old school friend Corey who arrived in the Dales to work with Cain Dingle.

However, Emmerdale viewers are convinced the newcomer is up to no good and the hunk may be in trouble.

Cash-strapped Nate (portrayed by Jurell Carter) is finding it hard to celebrate his marriage with Tracy Metcalfe (Amy Walsh) as he focuses on getting his finances in check.

But things appeared to look up earlier this week when his old school friend Corey rocked up the ITV village in the hopes of working with Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley).

The pals caught up and during last night's trip to the Dales, Nate reached out to Corey for a job, meeting up with him in what he claimed was his office.

Viewers of the Yorkshire-based program swarmed over to Twitter in a flash when they spotted the state of Corey's office and immediately agreed that Nate was in big trouble.

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"The office doesn’t look very professional. Something [is] dodgy with Nate’s mate", one soap fan commented.

Another added: "Nate saying his old mate has done well for himself, working out of a porta-cabin with cans of ‘Tizz-Fizz’ on the table. Don’t think so."

Corey's heavy Mancunian accent and behaviour didn't make things any easier for him as fans grew increasingly suspicious of the newcomer.

"Why is Nate's friend acting like a drug dealer?", a third viewer jumped in while another branded Corey "shady."

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"Nate is gonna land himself into trouble", one fan concluded.

Spoilers have confirmed that Corey has a way of making extra cash on the side and Nate is due to get a secret offer next week with the arrival of Harry, portrayed by Robert Beck.


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Harry takes a liking to Nate and offers him a big tip but when Caleb Milligan (Will Ash) asks him to keep an eye on Corey, whom he is convinced is up to no good, the heartthrob is shocked.

But desperate for cash and hoping to get a pay rise, Nate agrees to keep Corey's secrets from Caleb.

Will it backfire on him?

Emmerdale airs weeknights from 7.30pm on ITV.

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