Love Island’s Casa Amor full line-up – a butler in the buff to a club promoter

We all remember Amber and Michael’s heartbreaking split, Amy and Curtis’ awkward reunion, Georgia Steel dramatically composing herself like a boss when Josh didn’t remain ‘loyal,’ and of course Ovie.

So without no further adieu, here is the line-up for the new Love Island hopefuls.

The Boys

Alexi Eraclides

Age: 23

From: Essex

Occupation: Butler in the buff

This naked butler's celeb crush is Demi Rose, he is not a fan of girls that are stuck up and he already knows one of the girls in the villa.

Best feature? “My curly hair or my pecs!”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “Since the beginning of the series, I’ve fancied Shaughna. I also fancy Demi, she is definitely a bit of me. Plus I’ve met Jess on a night out before, we exchanged Instagrams then we sent a few messages but nothing came of it. It’ll be interesting to see how we get on when we meet again…”

Josh Kempton

Age: 21

From: Surrey

Occupation: Model

The youngest Casa Amor boy this year, Josh hates dates to the cinema and would rate himself a 10/10.

Immediate turn off in a girl? “Bad manners – not saying please or thank you. I don’t like people who are rude.”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “In no particular order – Rebbeca, Sophie and Jess. Rebecca is mysterious, Sophie’s smile and laugh is contagious and Jess’s personality is so kind- hearted.”

Biggs Chris

Age: 27

From: Glasgow

Occupation: Car body repair specialist

This Glaswegian is not a fan of moody girls and thinks a little bit of jelousy is ok as long as its not too much. He claims to have big feet and isn't worried about stepping on toes.

Celebrity crush: “There’s something about Sharon Osbourne. But I’d say Cardi B."

Eye on anyone in the villa? “Sophie, Rebecca and Jess – I think I could bring her personality out more.”

George Day

Age: 27

From: Southampton

Occupation: Estate Agent

George describes himself as 'spicy' and the song that sums up his love life is Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis.

Best feature? “My personality is my best feature, when people get to know me they do quickly like me. I like to be a gent too.”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “My head and my eyes are wandering a bit but I do fancy Paige, Siannise and Jess and I want to find out more about Demi.”

Ched Uzor

Age : 23

From : Suffolk

Occupation : Scaffolder

Ched is looking for a down to earth girl that his mum would be proud of. He's not a fan of getting compliments on social media, and would be keen for a golfing or bowling first date.

Best feature? “My arms are my best feature, I get complimented on them a lot.”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “I’d like to go on a date with Rebecca. I also fancy Sophie and I also want to go on a date with Siannise. I’m intrigued…”

Jordan Waobikeze

Age : 24

From : London

Occupation : Administrator

Jordan has a penchant for knitting and is looking for intelligence, humour and positivity in his partner. The Londoner is proud of his goatee beard and admits he's a bad liar.

Fun fact? “I like to knit and I’m pretty good at it.”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “I’m attracted to all of the girls because they are all good looking. I’m looking forward to meeting them and seeing who I get on with.”

The girls

Jade Affleck

Age: 25

From: Yarm

Occupation: Sales professional

Jade is looking for a man with nice teeth and a good sense of humour, so it makes sense that her celeb crush is Jack Fincham .

Best feature and worst habit: “ My best feature is my bum. I have a really bad attention span, unless someone is really interesting, I don’t really listen.”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “I have my eye on Luke M, Finley and Callum.”

Fun Fact? “ I’m a bit of a tomboy and I can weld!“

Priscilla Anyabu

Age: 25
From: Battersea

Occupation: Model and operations manager

You might recognise this model from a few music videos, and the song that sums up her love life is Independent Women by Destiny's Child. Guys with bad breath and stinky attitudes should stay away.

Best feature and worst habit: “ I love my eyes. I would say speaking at the wrong times. It’ll be bedtime and I’ll be wanting to have a conversation. Also, I do too much for people who wouldn’t necessarily do the same back.”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “I really fancy Mike, Nas and Luke M.”

What’s your claim to fame? “I did a few pageants. I won Miss Face of Africa, that was nice. I’ve done quite a few music videos in the Afrobeat industry, including for Fuse ODG and Wretch 32.”

Age: 25

From: North Ayrshire

Occupation: Eyelash Technician

Jamie crushes on Enrique Inglesias and had one cringe worthy Tinder date with a fireman before she deactivated the app.

Best feature and worst habit: “ I get complimented on my boobs but also I’ve got nice eyes! I’m quite moody in the morning, I’m not a morning person. I won’t be able to put up with anyone snoring !”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “I really fancy Wallace and Callum.“

Fun Fact? “I used to be a disco dancer when I was younger, so I’m quite flexible!“

Molly Smith

Age: 25

From: Manchester

Occupation: Model

Molly is looking for a mature man who is a little quirky. Her ideal man also has to smell nice and she'd love a first date to be something fun like bowling.

Best feature and worst habit: “ I do like my nose, it’s like a cute button nose. I drink too much tea!”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “Luke M, I like how he dresses, I like how he styles his hair, he seems really into his fashion. He seems confident as well which I really like.”

Eva Zapico

Age: 21

From: Bromley

Occupation: Recruitment consultant

Eva is turned off by guys who sweat too much and hates when people asked for her snapchat on social media without even saying please. Rude!

Best feature and worst habit: “ I’d say my hair is my best feature – it’s long, thick and bright. I eat too much rubbish food, like Nando’s and pizza. I go for medium in Nando’s – people who eat the hot can’t be enjoying it.”

Eye on anyone in the villa? Mike and Nas – they have the best personalities.

Natalia Zoppa

Age: 20

From: Manchester

Occupation: Student and club promoter

Natalia admits shes 'a bit weird sometimes' and she's looking for a mysterious hairy man, ideally with a beard.

Best feature and worst habit: “ My smile and laugh are my best feature. I don’t really hold back, if I’m in a bad mood people will know about it. I’m not very good at hiding my emotions.”

Eye on anyone in the villa? “I’m definitely open to getting to know all of the boys. I’ve particularly got my eye on Callum and Finn. Also, I fancy Luke M. Maybe that’s my childhood crush on Justin Bieber resurfacing!”

Love Island airs Sunday – Friday at 9pm on ITV2.

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