Outlander: Who dies first out of Jamie and Claire Fraser?

Outlander: STARZ announce season six production

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Outlander is going to be returning with season six in the works after the coronavirus pandemic led to delays on the later series. However, with filming only starting now, it seems like there will be more delays. Some fans have been turning to the books and are curious to know about the mortality of the main characters Jamie (played by Sam Heughan) and Claire Fraser (Caitriona Bale).

Who dies first out of Jamie and Claire Fraser in Outlander?

WARNING: This article contains major spoilers from the Outlander novels

Both Jamie and Claire have some near-death misses over the course of Outlander which have seen them coming close to death.

Jamie has been put in far more dangerous positions than his wife, most notably at the Battle of Culloden.

As some fans may be aware, Jamie’s ghost even travels to 1940s where he encounters Frank Randall (Tobias Menzies).

Jamie’s ghost is also expected to interact with Claire but this hasn’t been seen yet and is going to be the final scene ever of Outlander, according to writer Gabaldon.

One thing which is clear, Jamie is technically dead when his ghost travels to the future and Gabaldon has confirmed the Highlander will be roughly 25-year-old when this happens.

The character is thought to be fighting in the Battle of Culloden around this age, suggesting he temporarily dies during the battle or at least in the aftermath.

In both the novel Voyager and Outlander season three, Jamie is at death’s door and it’s only by some miracle he’s saved.

Therefore, this would suggest Jamie will die before Claire but at this point in the story his death is only temporary and he returns to his body.

There have been other allusions to Jamie’s death in Outlander including when Frank happens across an old obituary which confirmed Claire’s story.

In the obituary, the suggestion again is Jamie dies before his wife but this document’s veracity is questionable.

In the novels, a fake obituary is written after Fraser’s Ridge is burnt down with people believing the couple perished but this is not the case.

The obituary reads: “It is with grief that the news is received of the deaths by fire of James MacKenzie Fraser and his wife, Claire Fraser, in a conflagration that destroyed their house in the settlement of Fraser’s Ridge, on the night of January 21 last.”

In truth, it’s not clear who will die first out of Jamie and Claire. In theory, as Jamie was born first in the past, he will die first and Claire dies after him.

But as their timelines become intertwined, this complicates matters and there doesn’t seem to be a definitive answer to this question.

Whether author Gabaldon will depict the deaths of the Frasers remains to be seen with the writer penning the last two novels in her Outlander book series.

But it seems unlikely she will kill them off in her source material with the pair simply ageing further.

Gabaldon previously told Express.co.uk about the final scene to Outlander: “I expect to leave them in floods of tears but you know feeling happy nevertheless.”

She suggested fans would be satisfied with how she plans to bring things to close.

The American author has been working away on her ninth novel Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone but has yet to share an update on when the book will be published.

She is then expected to make a start on the 10th and final instalment which will feature Jamie’s ghost.

Outlander seasons 1 to 5 are streaming on Amazon Prime Video now

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