The One Show fans seriously divided by Dr Ranj distancing advice: ‘Apologise!’

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson had mentioned earlier today the latest steps to come into effect to ease lockdown measures implemented during the coronavirus pandemic. These included the reopening of pubs, hairdressers and playgrounds as well as shortening social distancing measures from two metres to one metre plus on July 4. Dr Ranj joined Alex Jones and Chris Ramsey to discuss the developments but not all BBC viewers were best pleased with his advice.

Alex introduced the This Morning star onto the show as she mentioned how the reduction in social distancing was one of the biggest talking points to come from Mr Johnson’s announcement.

She asked Dr Ranj: “Now, most people will think is good news, some people will understandably be apprehensive, but you actually think this is a good thing…”

Dr Ranj replied: “I think we’ve got to look at it as a positive. This wouldn’t happen unless things were heading in the right direction.”

He also cited the positive impact lockdown easing can have on people’s mental health and the introduction of “social bubbles”.


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Chris then quizzed Dr Ranj on the fact that playgrounds were going to reopen for children but not soft-play areas.

Dr Ranj responded: “Well, this is the thing, the risk in terms of getting coronavirus is dependant on two main things,

“It’s dependant on the environment and your behaviour.

“We know that the risk of picking up coronavirus outside is much, much lower which is why outside space have been basically first to reopen.”

He continued: “Also if you’re able to socially distance and wash your hands and stay away from others then your risk is going to be lower,

“But you can’t do that in soft-play, you’ve got lots of little kids running around and touching each other, not socially distancing and touching things…”

Chris then joked the hygiene in soft-plays isn’t of a high standard due to the “state of his socks” after he’s visited them.

Conversation then turned to different households interacting, with Alex bringing up the fact grandchildren will now be able to see their grandparents but won’t be able to hug them.

However, Dr Ranj left viewers divided with his response as he said: “This is huge news for families. So in England from July 4, two households are going to be able to meet of any size, indoors and outdoors, you can stay over,

“However, the advice is to try and maintain social distance whilst you’re indoors. That is going ot be really, really tricky, we’ve got to be honest.

“But you’ve got to remember, actually circulating levels of coronavirus are much, much lower than they used to be. It’s not really a condition that affects kids either, less than two percent of cases are kids, if they get it, they get a mild illness.

“They don’t even tend to spread it around. In fact, you’re much more likely to get it from another adult then your are from a child so if you happen to hug, as long as you’re observing all the other measures, it’s really not the end of the world.”

While Chris and Alex welcomed the verdict, several viewers were not convinced, branding the advice as “incorrect,” and even calling for an apology.

One fan said on Twitter: “Dr Ranj on #TheOneShow saying it’s not the end of the world to hug grandchildren – extremely BAD advice. He’s not an expert. If the rate is 1 in 1700 for cases, it could be serious for 1000s of the older generation. Apologise or this dreadful error of judgement.”

A second tweeted: “On #theoneshow they’ve just said the social distancing has been reduced from 2m to 1m. It hasn’t. Everywhere where business etc can function it’s 2m, where they can’t mitigation must be in place, that’s the + bit. Masks, screens, back to back etc. Supermarkets won’t change.”

While a third weighed in: “It’s completely incorrect advice potentially putting older folk at risk. #theoneshow.”

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However, Dr Ranj did take to the social media site to defend his comments.

Replying to the above tweet, he said: “No it’s not. The point was not to panic if you do accidentally hug. Social distancing should be maintained wherever possible.”

In a separate tweet, he also addressed his comments: “Absolutely! Maintaining social distancing with small children is difficult, but we should still try to do our best!

“However, the evidence shows that children don’t bear the major burden of disease or transmission, so if you happened to hug it’s not the end of the world!”

The One Show continues on Thursday at 7pm on BBC One.

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