When is Geoff found out for abusing Yasmeen in Coronation Street?

Coronation Street resident Yasmeen Nazir has experienced increasing abuse from her evil husband Geoff Metcalfe, who keeps on exercising more and more control over her life, leaving her isolated from the rest of Weatherfield.

The storyline has been rumbling on for months now, leaving fans wondering when Geoff will be caught.

Will Yasmeen ever manage to escape his clutches, and will Geoff end up in prison?

What will happen to Yasmeen and Geoff?

For several months, Geoff has been knocking Yasmeen’s confidence and slowly taking control of every aspect of her life.

This storyline is all about coercive control, and Geoff has managed to convince Yasmeen and other residents that she’s an alcoholic, to try and prevent her from drinking.

He’s taken her bank cards off her too, has hidden cameras in their home so he can watch her while he’s out and basically monitors everything she does.

In tonight’s episode, Geoff performs a magic trick at baby Tianna’s birthday party, and makes Yasmeen perform as his assistant.

But the trick goes wrong so he accuses Yasmeen of making him a laughing stock. Then, a video of the magical mishap ends up online, and he sticks a phone in her face and films her reaction to the ordeal.

This week, although she will begin to question things as Geoff’s most recent tricks backfire, she ends up locked in a box despite being claustrophobic.

But could there be an escape route for Yasmeen?

Previously, her friend Cathy overheard Geoff shouting at his wife for not completing a ridiculous list of cleaning tasks set out for her. Will Cathy start to notice more of Geoff’s poor behaviour?

Actor Ian Bartholomew previously confirmed the storyline will go to dark places.

He said: ‘His behaviour is becoming more and more unacceptable in a sociological sense and it is very interesting to play, it is difficult, he is not a moustache twirling villain so with that comes challenges as he is the sort of villain who has very few if any redeeming features.’

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on ITV1.

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