Incredible picture of a THERAPY LLAMA taken during Black Lives Matter protest in Portland – The Sun

THESE incredibly images show how a therapy llama attended a Black Lives Matter protest in Portland.

Caesar, who has been called the "no drama llama", joined demonstrators on Tuesday and has been hailed as a "morale booster" by supporters in Oregon and online.

He comes from the Mystic Llama Farm in Jefferson, Oregon and is owned by Larry McCool – who regularly brings therapy animals with him to schools and clinics.

Caitlin Reasor, who spotted Caesar at the peaceful protest, said: "Everyone seemed really happy to have him there, even those who were confused by his presence…he was definitely a good morale booster."

"I was only there for about two hours but it was an extremely peaceful and positive protest, those leading it made sure to talk about the impact of police brutality and bring up many of the hundreds of names of people who fall victim to it every day."

Demonstrator Nakaycha Dent added: "Everyone was immediately all smiles as soon as they saw him galloping past. Everyone was shocked there was a llama, but you could definitely feel the positive vibe he brought to the crowd.

“Some people say that it wasn’t safe to bring an animal, but I think the fact that we had successfully had two or three peaceful protests into downtown Portland — people were much more willing to get involved and march and show solidarity.”

Protests have erupts in all 50 states and around the world at George Floyd's death in Minnesota.

The father died after former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin held his knee against the back of Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes, despite saying multiple times that he couldn't breathe.

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