Love Islands Faye admits self sabotaging romance in awkward apology to Teddy
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Love Island's Faye Winter has confessed that she has been "self sabotaging" when it comes to her relationship with Teddy Soares, and she's ready to stop.
In tonight's episode the lettings agent admits to "going about it the wrong way" after the pair had a fiery argument over movie night last week.
Speaking to the girls, she told them that she doesn't see the point in her being in the villa if it wasn't for Teddy.
She says: "Although I lost my head and I went about it completely the wrong way, I wouldn't have been myself if I didn't do that."
The beauty reveals that she is sorry and she wants to make it work with him, adding: "I've now got to grovel myself, which is fine, because I know what I want. Being a girlfriend now doesn't sound so scary."
Speaking privately to Millie and Chloe, she says: "I never think about 'future Faye', Actually, I sabotage her every day just by being a k**b."
Faye admits that if Teddy had been named in the bottom three for the least favourite boys, if he had been sent home, she would have gone too.
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