Feeling hungry? This weekends Full Moon will affect your APPETITE
Full moon: NASA scientist explains why moon appears ‘brighter’
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Full Moons are supposed to affect our emotions in a different way each month, depending on what astrological sign the Moon is in. The two things the Full Moon consistently causes, apparently, is sleepless nights and an increase in our appetites. Express.co.uk reveals how to navigate hunger cravings and get some shut-eye this weekend around the Blue Moon.
Humans have had a relationship with the Moon for thousands of years, and there’s some evidence to suggest that lunar cycles can influence our mood, sleep, and appetite.
The Moon influences the tides and we are made up of 60 percent water… so why would we be immune to the Moon’s powers?
Some scientists have suggested that these tidal movements could be happening on a small scale within our bodies, influencing our moods.
When the Moon is Full, the Sun and Moon are opposite each other on either side of the Earth.
The sunlit side of the Moon is entirely visible from the earth, so we can see a Full Moon as we look up at the night sky.
It only occurs for a moment, but mystics believe we are impacted for about 24 hours at least.
Moon Mentor author of Lunar Living: Working With The Magic Of The Moon Cycles Kirsty Gallagher (@kirsty_gallagher_) says that a Full Moon is all about cleansing and releasing.
She explained: “The Full Moon is the time of completion and illuminating what stands in the way, the waning phase gives us the opportunity for release and letting go.
“Each month we infuse our intentions with more and more energy until they come to life.
“The Full Moon brings a moment of completion and an honest check-in.
“You should use the Full Moon to look back over the first half of the lunar cycle at what worked and what you achieved.
“Rule out what didn’t and what you allowed to get in the way – you can work on these actions next month.”
There is scientific evidence that a Full Moon has physical impacts on us too, including worse sleep.
A study on sleep has found that the Full Moon is associated with worse sleep.
On average, participants took five minutes longer to fall asleep, took longer to reach deep REM sleep, reported a drop in sleep quality, and experienced a 30 percent reduction in deep sleep overall.
Another study found that during the Full Moon, participants got 25 minutes less sleep on average.
The brightness of the Full Moon is probably to blame for this since our internal 24-hour clocks use light to gauge what time it is and our bodies produce melatonin at the right time for sleep.
More light can confuse our bodies, disrupting the production of melatonin and causing sleeplessness.
The extra melatonin release will impact your appetite as well as your sleeping pattern, says the team at Alliance Online.
They said: “Some research has found that melatonin production reduces hunger, which makes sense as you don’t want to be thinking about snacking when you’re trying to sleep.
“So, our sleeping and eating times might vary the night of the Full Moon, and we might feel hungrier than expected near to bedtime.”
Another reason we might feel more hungry is to do with the fact that we produce less leptin when there’s a Full Moon.
The Alliance Online team discovered that leptin is a hormone that “helps us to feel full and satisfied, communicating with our brain so that we understand when we’ve eaten enough food, or when we need to eat more.”
They added: “We also produce more of a hormone called ghrelin, which has an opposite, hunger-inducing effect.”
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