Harry Potter Nail Art That Will Cast a Spell on Everyone — Even Muggles

Harry Potter World Nail Art

Calling all Harry Potter fans: you’re going to want these nails quicker than you can cast a Patronus charm. If you’re a diehard Potterhead, you may have already adorned your nails with magical designs, particularly when visiting your favorite Harry Potter locations. But there is no such thing as too much wizarding world nail art!

We’ve rounded up some of our favorite nail art ideas from your favorite characters to incredibly detailed house crests, you’re sure to be inspired. If you don’t have a steady hand and a degree in fine art, fear not, muggles. There are plenty of more straightforward designs you can try at home, from Harry’s famous scar to the Deathly Hallows. Keep reading for more spellbinding Harry Potter nail ideas.

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