BBC Breakfast's Carol Kirkwood is dragged to the floor by a dog on-air

‘I can’t believe it’s happened again!’ BBC Breakfast’s Carol Kirkwood is dragged to the floor by a dog during hysterical live Wimbledon report after falling over a Labrador at Chelsea Flower Show

She suffered an embarrassing on-air blunder after being toppled over by a Labrador at The Chelsea Flower Show. 

And BBC Breakfast’s Carol Kirkwood was dragged to the floor by a dog, again, during a live Wimbledon report on Tuesday’s show, leaving her co-stars in hysterics. 

The meteorologist, 61, joined the studio via video link from the tennis club, alongside an excitable search dog named Ray. 

But things soon descended into chaos when Ray sprinted off with a tennis ball in his mouth, leaving Carol on the floor. 

Speaking during the segment, Carol began: ‘Isn’t he the most gorgeous boy? This is Ray, he is going to be five in August and he is one of the search dogs here.’

Oops: BBC Breakfast’s Carol Kirkwood was dragged to the floor by a dog, again, during a live Wimbledon report on Tuesday’s show, leaving her co-stars in hysterics

She continued: ‘Whilst we have been waiting for you to come to us, he has been sat there like a gentleman just looking ahead at his trainer and just being perfect. I don’t even know what the weather is today, I am so distracted.

‘I must say, I am just going to stay here for a while with Ray. How well-behaved is he? He has hardly moved apart from to have his tummy rubbed.’

Just after praising the pooch for his good behaviour, Carol was dragged off camera by the spaniel and broke down into fits of giggles. 

‘Oh no!’ Jon Kay exclaimed, while Sally Nugent shouted: ‘Oh Carol!’

‘It’s happened again. Is she ok? Are you ok? Are you alright?’

Speaking through hysterical laughter, Carol managed to squeeze out a ‘yes,’ before adding: ‘I can’t believe it’s happened again! It’s the Chelsea Flower Show all over again!’

In 2021, the Scottish weather presenter ended up being taken out by an over excited hound leaving her co-presenter Dan Walker in hysterics back in the studio. 

Carol had just given the forecast from Chelsea ahead of the annual Flower Show when the golden Labrador named Flash tugged at the lead and toppled her over. 

Funny: The meteorologist joined the studio via video link from the tennis club, alongside an excitable search dog named Ray but things soon descended into chaos 

Oh dear! Speaking through hysterical laughter, Carol said: ‘I can’t believe it’s happened again! It’s the Chelsea Flower Show all over again!’

A flustered Dan then exclaimed: ‘We’ve got a Kirkwood down! We’ve got a Kirkwood down! Someone save Carol!’ 

‘Flash is strong!’ laughed Carol as she got back onto her knees and put her earpiece back in.

‘Are you alright Carol?’ asked Dan, to no response.

‘We’re just checking that you’re okay,’ Sally Nugent added. ‘Are you alright?’

‘Yes!’ Carol replied. ‘Yes, she’s a very strong girl, Flash.’ 

The blunder came just moments after Carol had declared that Flash was ‘very well behaved’. 

Just before the incident Carol was stroking Flash as she gave her weather report. 

Introducing the cute pooch, she said: ‘Now, she’s a friend of the programme. She was actually on the programme on the 28th April with her trainer, Mel, and she took a little bit of a nibble out of Mel’s hand when she was only 18 weeks old.

‘She’s grown a bit since then and she’s very well behaved I must say as well, and just gorgeous.’ 

Hilarious: In 2021, the Scottish weather presenter ended up being taken out by an over excited hound leaving her co-presenter Dan Walker in hysterics back in the studio

 On the floor: ‘Flash is strong!’ laughed Carol as she got back onto her knees and put her earpiece back in

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