Gretchen Rossi Welcomes Baby Girl!!!

Back in December, Gretchen Rossi announced that she was pregnant with her first child.

Giving birth at 40 is no joke, and she encountered no shortage of surprises, even in the days leading up to her due date.

But now, she has given birth. She’s a mom!

“Skylar Gray Smiley arrived safely into this world today!” Gretchen Rossi announced on her Instagram on Thursday, July 11.

“Most amazing & emotional day of my life!” she gushed. “I am doing good as well.”

“Of course,” she acknowledged. “I have some pain from the c-section, but it was all so worth it!”

“Details and pics coming soon!” Gretchen teased. “But for now just focusing on Sky and taking good care of her. Thank you all for your prayers and love today!”

“Love you guys!” the happy new mom wrote to her followers.

“Tomorrow is the day!!!” Gretchen wrote excitedly in a much lengthier post on Tuesday.

“I had a really really tough day yesterday,” she confessed. “Because of having to make a super hard decision after my doctors appt.”

“But after a lot of contemplation, crying, struggling, (and based on the medical pros and cons),” Gretchen informed her followers.

She continued: “the Doctor, Slade and I have decided a c-section is going to be the safest thing for me and baby tomorrow.”

That’s safe and smart.

“Doctor said I am only dilated 1cm,” Gretchen revealed. “And I guess I have a ‘cervix of steel.'”

Now that would have made a very different Henry Cavill film.

“So it’s not really cooperating at this point,” she lamented. “And just my pelvic exam yesterday was so beyond painful that I almost passed out.”

Gretchen shared that she “then started to hyperventilate because of that, which then lead to a panic attack!”

“Needless to say,” she expressed. “I was a hot mess!”

“Statistics show that if you aren’t dilated past 3cm then being induced is a lot harder on your body and one has a lower success of a vaginal birth,” Gretchen cited.

“And a lot of times,” she added. “Leads to a c-section anyways.”

“So I either labor for potentially days and go through this balloon like procedure to try and open my cervix (which may or may not work),” Gretchen explained.

“And,” she noted. “Possibly put myself and the baby in a lot of duress during that process.”

Gretchen continued: “(because I can’t have an epidural for that part yet) and then end up potentially in a c-section anyways.”

“Or,” she reasoned. “I just do the scheduled c-section, which will be a lot less stress on myself and the baby.”

“When you have this vision of how you want your labor and delivery to go and it doesn’t turn out they way you imagined,” Gretchen noted.

She continued: “there is this sadness and internal struggle with ‘why isn’t my body cooperating’ or am I making the right decision etc.”

“So after crying it out, and being sad about not having a ‘vaginal birth’ yesterday,” Gretchen told her followers.

She added: “I asked God to give me a sign that this is the best decision, and he did!”

“He literally had so many of my friends reach out to me yesterday and put me at ease about a potential c-section,” Gretchen noted.

“(And they didn’t even know what had happened at the appt.),” she reminded her fans.

“So I am scheduled for the c-section tomorrow,” Gretchen wrote towards the end of her post.

“And,” she promised. “Am going to embrace it with as much confidence as I can.”

Gretchen concluded: “and know that having her in my arms safely is all that matters!”

Congratulations to her and Slade on their new baby!

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